Latest News
Only a new deal can save aviation
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Turnbull Government’s TPP push puts multi-national corporations ahead of workers
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Another half-cocked trade agreement - PACER-Plus fails working people
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Turnbull Govt trying to resurrect dead TPP
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City of Paris shows reversal of privatisation is possible and successful
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International news from LabourStart
The ASU recognises that many local industrial issues have antecedents in other nations. We also know that globalisation means that the labour standards of workers in other countries can, and do, impact the labour standards of Australian workers.
As a result, the ASU is involved through various means with international labour organisations. We keep abreast of international issues to ensure that ASU members are protected.
In some areas of international activity, the ASU is involved to support the rights of people overseas. Through Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, an arm of the ACTU, Australian unions are involved in charitable activities.