EA 13 Negotiations Start With ASU Setting The Agenda
20 March 2025
Your ASU National Negotiating Team held its first meeting with Qantas management to officially start negotiations for our new ASU Qantas EBA13. Disappointingly, Qantas wasn’t prepared with its log of claims. They’ve confirmed it may take two or more meetings to have one ready. What they did confirm, however, is…
09 October 2024
After ASU members stood their ground on “secondments”, Qantas management has backed down! Qantas has committed to using existing resources to meet increased demand over the end of year busy period. But Qantas should never have tried this scam in the first place. It’s time to name the problem. We…
Qantas freight workers will be almost $7,000 a year better off thanks to a deal struck by the Australian Services Union (ASU) which would see the wages of Australian Air Express workers lifted to match those of their Qantas Freight counterparts. ASU National Secretary Emeline Gaske said the deal was…
ASU welcomes the passing of superannuation on paid parental leave through the Australian Parliament
19 September 2024
The Australian Services Union (ASU) has welcomed passing a bill that will deliver superannuation on paid parental leave, boosting the retirement incomes of hundreds of thousands of Australians for generations to come. ASU National Secretary Emeline Gaske said the Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Adding Superannuation for a More Secure Retirement)…
Australian Services Union statement on leadership transition
03 September 2024
The Australian Services Union will see a transition in its national leadership, with Robert Potter advising the National Executive that he will move on to take up a role focussed on net zero investment and jobs. Emeline Gaske has been appointed as the new National Secretary, beginning this week. Emeline…
The Australian Services Union has called upon the federal government to prioritise regional air travel – a major driver of quality local jobs – in the wake of Rex Airlines being placed in the hands of administrators. The union, which represents frontline customer service staff across the airline industry, is…
The Australian Services Union will today appear at the Fair Work Commissions about implementing the right to disconnect across industries. The union will urge the Fair Work Commission to include the term “Right to Disconnect” in all modern awards and to give practical guidance to employers on how to deliver…
The Australian Services Union has welcomed today’s decision by the Fair Work Commission to increase the minimum and award wage for millions of Australian workers and conduct further investigations to remedy gender undervaluation in many modern awards. ASU National Secretary Robert Potter said workers had been feeling the crunch after…
The ASU is proud to share the groundbreaking findings from a significant study by Dr. Natasha Cortis and Dr. Megan Blaxland of the UNSW Social Policy Research Centre, titled 'Australia’s Social and Community Services Workforce: Characterisation, Classification, and Value.’ This comprehensive report, commissioned by the ASU on behalf of our…
The Australian Services Union today welcomed a substantial increase to funding for frontline homelessness services announced by the Government ahead of the Federal Budget. ASU Assistant National Secretary Emeline Gaske said the funds directed to homelessness, particularly crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence, was urgently needed. “Today,…