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The Australian Services Union will today appear at the Fair Work Commissions about implementing the right to disconnect across industries. The union will urge the Fair Work Commission to include the term “Right to Disconnect” in all modern awards and to give practical guidance to employers on how to deliver…
The Australian Services Union has welcomed today’s decision by the Fair Work Commission to increase the minimum and award wage for millions of Australian workers and conduct further investigations to remedy gender undervaluation in many modern awards. ASU National Secretary Robert Potter said workers had been feeling the crunch after…
The ASU is proud to share the groundbreaking findings from a significant study by Dr. Natasha Cortis and Dr. Megan Blaxland of the UNSW Social Policy Research Centre, titled 'Australia’s Social and Community Services Workforce: Characterisation, Classification, and Value.’ This comprehensive report, commissioned by the ASU on behalf of our…
The Australian Services Union today welcomed a substantial increase to funding for frontline homelessness services announced by the Government ahead of the Federal Budget.  ASU Assistant National Secretary Emeline Gaske said the funds directed to homelessness, particularly crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence, was urgently needed. “Today,…
Today we have written a letter to Minsters in reference to the critical role that Community Legal Centres and their workers play in preventing and reducing gendered violence.  You can read the letter we sent below.   TO:  The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher, Minister…
The Australian Services Union welcomes plans by the Albanese Government to work with the community sector to develop a framework to improve funding and drive better outcomes. Announced on Wednesday by Minister for Finance Katy Gallagher and Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth, the new Community Sector Partnership Framework intends to…
The Federal Government’s announcement that superannuation will be paid on government-funded paid parental leave follows a seven-year campaign by the Australian Services Union, which kicked off with the union’s 2017 Not so super for women report. Describing it as a “landmark victory in the fight for fair retirement outcomes for…
The union representing workers in the top three female-dominated sectors has flagged its intention to use new industrial relations legislation to drive down the gender pay gap in lagging industries, after fresh data revealed the salary discrepancy persists. Australian Services Union Assistant National Secretary Emeline Gaske said not enough progress…
The Australian Services Union notes Virgin’s announcement of an impending change of leadership, following CEO Jayne Hrdlicka’s resignation, providing the chance to reset its relationship with workers. ASU Assistant National Secretary Emeline Gaske said the global search for a new CEO presented an opportunity for the airline and the union…

Library Lovers Day

14 February 2024
14 February is Library Lovers Day – so today we’re celebrating all our amazing members in Libraries.  Libraries are the heart of our communities, offering a treasure trove of knowledge, resources, and invaluable services. Yet, despite being on the frontlines and adapting to the evolving needs of our society, this…
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