Call Centres


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vodafonemediarelease010313 vodafonemediarelease010313

Date added: 03/01/2013
Date modified: 03/01/2013
Filesize: 48.68 kB
Downloads: 3689

Support Person's Guide to Best Practice Return to Work for a Stress Injury Support Person's Guide to Best Practice Return to Work for a Stress Injury

Date added: 05/24/2013
Date modified: 05/24/2013
Filesize: 274.26 kB
Downloads: 5234

Preventing work-related stress - examples of risk control measures Preventing work-related stress - examples of risk control measures

Date added: 05/24/2013
Date modified: 05/24/2013
Filesize: 254.29 kB
Downloads: 11038

It's your call: improving Australian call centres for workers - 2009 survey report SUMMARY It's your call: improving Australian call centres for workers - 2009 survey report SUMMARY

Date added: 05/24/2013
Date modified: 05/24/2013
Filesize: 1.55 MB
Downloads: 4250

It's your call: improving Australian call centres for workers - 2009 survey report It's your call: improving Australian call centres for workers - 2009 survey report

Date added: 05/24/2013
Date modified: 05/24/2013
Filesize: 1.79 MB
Downloads: 5325