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Community partnerships

01 November 2012 By

In addition to our core industrial work, the ASU has productive and valuable relationships with a selection of community organisations and supports a range of community causes. Below you will find information about the partnerships actively supported by the ASU National Office. ASU Branches are active in their communities too, so please contact them direct for further information about the state-based relationships.

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA

UAA-APHEDA was created in 1984 as the overseas aid agency of the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA was established to contribute directly to countries and regions of the world where men and women workers are disadvantaged through poverty, a lack of workplace, denial of labour and human rights, civil conflict and war.



Welcome to Australia

Welcome to Australia began as a conversation between a number of individuals and not-for-profit organisations who believed there needed to be a positive voice in the public conversation around asylum seeking, refugees and multiculturalism that was not politically aligned or focused on policy - but rather invited Australians to join us in dreaming of the Australia that could be.


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - DisabilityCare

The National Disability Insurance Scheme will make it easier for people to access essential care, support, therapy, equipment, early intervention and training. Let's revolutionise disability services.

ndis logo text

Close the Gap

Close the Gap is Australia's largest campaign to improve Indigenous health. The campaign calls on governments to commit to closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation and is supported by a diverse group of organisations across Australia, including the ASU. To read more about our involvement, please visit the ASU AIM page.




The ASU is a proud supporter of the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign and we support them under the ASU banner of "unions against poverty". We support them not only because poverty is a situation no one should have to endure but also because poverty in one part of the world affects everyone eventually.




The ASU also supports Anti-Poverty Week which focusses on raising awareness about poverty in Australia and overseas with a week of activities in October.


White Ribbon Day

The White Ribbon Foundation of Australia aims to eliminate violence against women by promoting culture-change around the issue. The major strategies to achieve this are a national media campaign as well as education & male leadership programmes aimed at men and boys around Australia.


Tax Justice

From the Robin Hood Tax to other measures to prevent corporate tax evasion, the ASU supports the campaign to ensure taxation systems are fair and not rorted. Fair tax takes by governments ensure services and aid are delivered effectively.


Australia Western Sahara Association

AWSA is an incorporated non-profit Association which was set up to raise awareness and promote the Saharawi cause in Australia, and to campaign for a free and fair referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people.


Go Home On Time Day

Go Home On Time Day will be held on November 20 in 2013 and is an initiative of the Australia Institute intended as a light-hearted way to start a serious conversation about work-life balance and mental health at work. In 2009 GHOTD started off with the simple idea of encouraging employees (who at the time were donating the equivalent of $72 billion in unpaid overtime) to postpone last-minute work meetings and go home on time as a way of wrestling back some work-life balance.
