The FedEx draft enterprise agreement 2013 has been circulated by management for staff consultation and is now subject to a ballot commencing 4th July and closing 8th July 2013.
The ASU has negotiated some changes during the bargaining process.
However the final draft agreement is not one the ASU can recommend to members for the following reasons:
- Annual pay increases will only be secured up to 2% on the base rate each year. An additional 2% per year will go into the "performance pay pool" based on unknown assessment of individual performance.
The proposed agreement does not have certain modern award (Clerks – Private Sector Award 2010) standards as follows:
- Part time - no written agreement on a regular pattern of hours nor overtime paid for <38 hours per week.
- Span of hours 5am – 7pm is wider than the award 7am - 7pm.
- No Classification descriptors (just Job Titles) setting out job responsibilities and competencies as per the award.
- No Rest breaks – 10 minutes (x2) first and second half of the day.
- No access to the grievance procedure for company policies and employment matters outside the agreement.
- No reference to the two relevant modern awards for Clerical/ Admin and Driver/Sorter related classifications.
It is important that all staff vote. The enterprise agreement will be made if a majority of those employees who vote approve the agreement.
We hope this bulletin assists you to make your choice in the forthcoming ballot.
If you have any further questions about the agreement or ballot please contact your local ASU rep [download the full bulletin below for details].
Be sure to vote – your VOTE counts!