It’s not just the US presidential election that takes place this week – the vote for the ASU Maurice Blackburn EBA also will be held on 8th and 9th November 2016 and while we can’t vote in the US elections you can vote YES to support the hard fought and won agreement with Maurice Blackburn.
How do you vote?
Voting opens at 9am EDST on Tuesday 8th November and closes at 8pm EDST on Wednesday 9th November 2016.
The vote will be conducted online and you should receive an email on 8th November 2016 from the firm with the link to where and how you can vote.
If you are on leave from work you should receive a letter and instructions on how to vote.
Just like the US presidential vote – the results for our EBA vote will be known on 10th November 2016.
Why vote yes?
The ASU national negotiating team, delegates and members are recommending you vote YES to this agreement.
Of the 22 claims we made for this EBA we made substantial gains on 20 of them and we managed to resist the vast majority of the company claims like no guaranteed pay rises, reduced coverage of the EBA, a cap on study leave and increased use of individual flexibility agreements.
You can check out the summary of our claims and results on our website.
While voting is not compulsory we urge you to take the time to vote.
What will be next?
If the majority of employees approve the EBA we will lodge the agreement for approval with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) as soon as possible.
If the EBA is voted up, the company has agreed to pay back pay ahead of the Fair Work Commission approval as the current delay for processing EBAs at the FWC is around 6-8 weeks.
Go a question?
If you have a question, don’t hesitate to contact ASU organisers or delegates.(download the bulletin and claims summaries here) Maurice Blackburn Bulletin - 07 November 2016
ASU Claims and Outcome - MB EBA
Company Claims and outcome - MB EBA