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The year ahead at Slater and Gordon

18 February 2019 By ASU

Throughout 2019 we expect that Slaters intends to address and or overhaul many of their current policies and practices associated with you as employees.

Slater and Gordon have finalised the 2018 business restructure and have commenced a period of rebuilding. Upcoming projects that could affect you include potential refresh of policies and procedures, incentive scheme reviews, market comparison of classifications and rates of pay or other issues that may arise.

Therefore, we need to ensure that you have a collective voice within your workplace and that we are genuinely consulted and involved in any workplace changes that may be proposed.

A few things to keep an eye on

The ASU has notified the Company of our expectation that there be genuine consultation and engagement about any issue that affects employees collectively.

Your new management team have told us they will be utilising the services of Mercer to ascertain how your terms and conditions of employment compare to the market. We expect to be hearing much more about this and the direction that the Company wants to take. Whilst we always keep an open mind, we will ensure that the details of any comparisons to market rates of pay are accurate and reflective of the environment in which you operate.

On top of this we will be drawing closer to the next round of bargaining and many of the preparations for negotiations are likely to commence in the second half of this year.

Want more information?

We strongly encourage you to contact us about any concerns or ideas you may have. If you want to join the ASU – you can do so on line at (Full bulletin with contact details can be downloaded here) icon Slater & Gordon Bulletin - 18 February 2019

Contact Details
Name: ASU National Office
Telephone: 03 9342 1400