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Join in Anti-Poverty Week 13–19 October 2013

12 August 2013 By Anti-Poverty Week

anti-poverty-week-webbutton2013-300pxPoverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians. Around the world, more than a billion people are desperately poor. In Anti-Poverty Week, YOU can help fight poverty and hardship!

Visit the Anti-Poverty Week website for more information

Anti-Poverty Week in 2013 starts on Sunday 13 October and ends on Saturday 19 October. The UN's International Anti-Poverty Day is Thursday 17 October. The Week focuses on poverty around the world, especially in the poorest countries but also in wealthier countries such as Australia.

The main aims of Anti-Poverty Week are to:

  • strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and hardship around the world and within Australia;
  • encourage research, discussion and action to address these problems, including action by individuals, communities, organisations and governments.

Interest has been growing steadily in Australia in recent years and activities such as public lectures, workshops, conferences, debates, concerts, displays, sports days, media briefings and other events have been organised.

Last year, at least 500 organisations around Australia participated in more than 400 activities during the Week, with a total participation of more than 10,000 people.

Some plans and suggestions

Everyone who wants to reduce poverty and hardship is encouraged to organise activities during the Week or join in some being organised by other people. The activities can be large or small, and activities at local levels are especially welcome.

Official opening activities will be organised on Sunday 13 October. It is suggested that people could organise local anti-poverty forums on Wednesday 16 October, perhaps inviting local MPs and mayors to attend. But activities can be on whatever topics, and whatever days, to suit their organisers.

It would be very helpful if organisers could provide details of their plans for posting on the special website,, in order to encourage participation and stimulate action by other people.

The website also includes basic fact sheets, promotional material and links to sources of information and ideas about ways of reducing poverty and hardship.

To notify your plans or get further information, contact us at 1-300-797-290 or

Some Ideas for Anti-Poverty Week

Conferences • Seminars • Lobbying • Publications • Forums • Workshops
Public lectures • Petitions • Exhibits • Performances • Surveys
Rallies • Media events • Debates • Launches • Etc

Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400