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Philippine aviation workers win after global campaign

21 November 2013 By ASU

After a drawn out struggle over more than two years, the ASU is thrilled to report that the Philippine Airlines Employees Association (PALEA) has reached agreement with Philippine Airlines for the reinstatement of 600 workers. As a fellow aviation union, the ASU participated in solidarity actions in support of PALEA's struggle.

Summary of the resolution

The Philippine Airlines Employees' Association (PALEA) has won agreement from Philippines Airlines (PAL) for the return to work of staff who were outsourced on inferior conditions and short term contracts, threatened with redundancy, and even locked out. Six hundred staff who refused to claim separation benefits are now being re-employed in their regular posts. (Source ITF)

As a member of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), PALEA had sought and received the backing of unions across the world, including the ASU. Their success shows the importance of international solidarity in the face of regressive employer actions.

Benjie Velasco of PALEA was invited to speak at last year's ASU National Conference and inspired delegates with the resoluteness of his members' campaign. PALEA also spoke at other ASU functions to spread the word of what was happening to their members.


Workers everywhere can take heart in this wonderful victory!

More information

PALEA's campaign website:

ITF news: PALEA secures reinstatement agreement

AAWL news: Heroic victory for PALEA workers after two years of struggle

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400