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Rex put EBA to the vote

14 August 2015 By ASU, the airlines industry union

ASU bargaining representatives have reached agreement with Rex Airlines management for an EBA to replace the 2013 Agreement.

asu-airlines-general-bulletin-button600pxwAt the initial EBA meetings the ASU put forward the log of claims drafted from ASU members' feedback and endorsed by ASU members nationwide. After the many meetings with Rex Management the ASU bargaining representatives believe we have been able to secure much of the log of claims in an EBA that members can support.

What is the wage offer?

  • Wages will be increased by 2.5% each year over the life of the EBA
  • Profit Share with a 2% floor or a share gift
  • Back pay to the nominal EBA commencement date of 1 July 2015

The Regional Express Airline Services Collective Agreement 2012 has been amended to take into account the new wages offer. Allowances within the agreement have also been increased. All of the general conditions of your Agreement have not changed.

Some amendments have been made to the Agreement to reflect the modernised Airlines Operations Ground Staff Award and the National Employment Standards in the Fair Work Act.

To make the Agreement, a ballot of all employees is conducted. If 51% of those who choose to vote, vote say YES, we have made our Agreement. This Agreement will then be lodged with the Fair Work Commission. Please note that the Agreement will not commence legal operation until approved by the Fair Work Commission.

Read the proposed Agreement and associated information; and take part in the ballot.

We encourage you to vote for the Agreement.

In the period between now and the ballot closing, if you require any further information or have questions concerning the Agreement you can contact the following people for more information (download the full bulletin below for details).


icon Rex Airlines Bulletin, 14 August 2015

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400