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20 April 2018 By ASU, the airlines industry union

asu airlines bulletin button 1200pxwNegotiations at Rex between the ASU and management have nearly come to a close. It is hoped the new agreement will be ready for staff to view and be put out for a vote in the next few weeks.

Final discussions are taking place surrounding the change that Rex sought to make in relation to the shift swap clause 16.10. Rex is seeking a reduction in the period that shifts may be paid back from 90 days to 28 days (within the current roster period). Upon seeking feedback from staff it was identified that this change could have detrimental impacts on the working lives of affected staff without further changes to allow greater flexibility in terms of shift “giveaways”. The ASU has taken a number of proposals to Rex to try and address this issue, with the preference to introduce a clause permitting giveaways without the need to pay back, as long as minimum contracted hours are still met.

Once this issue is resolved we envision the EBA will be able to be released for the vote. A summary of the changes in the new agreement is included below. In the meantime please forward any feedback, concerns or ideas to your local delegates or union organiser.

We will provide a further update when the process progresses to the next stages.

Our wins:

  • Wage Rise – In line with CPI with a minimum of 2.5% and a maximum of 3% p.a. increase.
  • Duration (Clause 3) – A 4 Year Term of Agreement.
  • Probation (Clause 7.2.2) – Change review from 2, 4 and 6 to 3 and 6 monthly.
  • Overtime (Clause 18.15) – Withdrawing of proposed change to Overtime Meal Money entitlement. Status Quo.
  • Recognition of Service and Experience (Appendix 1) CSO and CCC Senior Position Level 4 – Eligible staff who have 5 years’ experience and meet the stipulated criteria will be able to apply to be moved to a level 4 position as recognition of the service, skills and expertise these employees possess.

For more information, please get in touch with the relevant contact. For details download the full bulletin here icon REX Bulletin, 20 April 2018

Contact Details
Name: Linda White
Telephone: 03 9342 1400