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Gonski Family Day Event

13 May 2013 By ASU

If you support better funding for Australian schools, give a Gonski on Saturday, the 25th of May.

The Gonski Review made it clear that we must urgently invest in education and public schools.

The Prime Minister has put $9.4 billion on the table to make the Gonski reforms a reality in Australian classrooms, but so far, only NSW has so far signed up to fund their state’s share.

We’re planning a series of community events on the 25th of May to make sure every other state and territory leaders signs up too. 

Around the country, parents, teachers and community members will be gathering on the 25th to send a clear message to their leaders – our kids can’t wait any longer.  There will be music, food, speakers and plenty of activities for the kids.

See here for the details of all events

These much-needed additional funds would make sure every child can get a high quality education.

Australian Education Union Federal President Angelo Gavrielatos said the Gonski funding is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in our most precious asset – our children.

“It is about putting more resources into schools to provide more specialist teachers and greater individual support and attention for children in the classroom. It is also about helping to reduce class sizes and improve the education of children from disadvantaged backgrounds and those that have special needs,” he said.

“The Federal Government has already said it will provide two thirds of the additional money; but now we need each and every state and territory leader to commit to their share of this critical investment.  There is no more important investment for the future of country, and for our kids,” he continued.

“NSW has signed up for Gonski and now the other states and territories must follow. I would urge anyone who cares about the education of kids to show their support for better funding on May 25,” Angelo concluded.

Find out more and download a flyer on the Gonski website and click here to invite your friends to come along too



Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400