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ASU's Penny Carr wins Delegate of the Year at ACTU Awards

19 March 2014 By ASU

Last night at the union movement's annual ACTU Awards, ASU delegate from our Queensland (Services & Northern Administrative) Branch, Penny Carr, won the ACTU Delegate of the Year Award. The ASU congratulates Penny for her award that recognises her sterling contribution to workers' advancement. We also extend congratulations to all other winners, runners up and unionists in general who contribute every day to everyone having a better life!

The Branch has published the following on Penny's achievements. To read the item on the Branch's website click here.

IMAGE: Penny Carr to the right with ASU National Secretary David Smith.

Penny Carr – Awarded ACTU Workplace Delegate of the Year Award

Congratulations to Penny Carr on being awarded the Australian Trades Council of Unions (ACTU) Delegate of the Year.

Penny attended a ceremony at the ACTU on Tuesday, 18 March 2014.

This was a well deserved award and The Services Union is very proud of Penny's work and achievements.

Penny was also The Services Union's Delegate of the Year in 2013.

Penny is our Social and Community Sector (SACS) Vice President and a member of our Branch Executive Council.

Penny has been a member of the Services Union since 1993 and has been actively engaged in campaigning for the industrial and working rights of members in the Social and Community Services Sector. Her selfless commitment to union values have been demonstrated consistently by her active involvement in our Union, as Branch Councillor since August 1999, a SACS Industry Committee Division (IDC) member since November 2000, and SACS Vice President and Executive member since September 2010.

As the Coordinator at the Tenants Union of Queensland, Penny has facilitated collective agreements and worked tirelessly to ensure staff are paid the Queensland Pay Equity rates. She sets an example in her workplace advocating union values and supporting Workplace Delegates.

Penny uses her extensive networks in the Community Services sector to promote union membership and activism. From the 1990s 'SACS Award Now' Campaign to the 'We Do it For Love and Money- Pay Equity' Campaign for Queensland SACS workers in 2008 and 2009, to the national Equal Pay Case and Campaign from 2010 to 2012, Penny has been at the forefront, advocating for her sector and industry colleagues.

Penny best exhibited her extraordinary skills as a campaigner and leader through effective use of collective action in the ongoing fight to Save Tenant Services when the Queensland State Government announced it would cut five million dollars in funding, to Queensland's Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (TAAS) in 2012.

The cuts would affect 23 organisations across Queensland, and would see close to 90 workers lose their jobs. Penny, along with her colleagues from TAAS and its supporters campaigned tirelessly in their own time whilst also spending weekends at local markets, raising community awareness.

The Campaign communicated clearly to the community against the Government's rhetoric about funding and the fact that TAAS is primarily funded by the interest on Tenants' bonds, not government revenue. This helped TAAS win community support for maintaining an important, self-funded service. Penny personally represented members at TAAS-funded services and is the face and voice for all TAAS workers. This dedication has been seen since the first Day of Action outside Premier Campbell Newman's electorate office in Ashgrove, to speaking in front of tens of thousands of Queensland workers at the Stand for Queensland Rally.

Penny has been TAAS's media spokesperson. She has also mapped services, working with Delegates and Union Organisers to increase union density and activism throughout the Campaign. Penny deals with politicians, Ministers and stakeholders regularly in her work as the Tenants Union of Queensland Coordinator and as SACS VP for our Union. This work took on new urgency when the very existence of TAAS was under threat.

Working with Secretary Kath Nelson and our Union office, Penny wrote detailed submissions and lobbied to successfully secure a last minute reprieve for TAAS, from the Labor Federal Government.

Penny's work continues, as TAAS workers fight to make the State Government reinstate TAAS funding.


By The Services Union


Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400