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Working Life - news for all workers - Budget edition out now

19 May 2014 By ACTU - Working Life

Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest is a special Budget edition and includes the following: Hockey takes axe to the social wage; Abbott and Hockey's lost generation; Hockey's horrorshow will hurt battlers most; How the Budget will affect you and your family; plus more.

working-life-logoDownload the latest edition here: icon Working Life, Budget Edition (May 2014)

Read the latest Working Life news here:

About "Working Life"

Working Life brings you human stories, breaking news, vigorous comment, and eye-opening opinion from the world of work.

It exists for the large number of Australians who share the basic values that underpin the Australian union movement: fairness, equality and job security.

It seeks to reach a broad audience by always being thought-provoking, entertaining, and sometimes even amusing.

[Read more here]

Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400
More info: Working Life website