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ASU lodges tax white paper submission

12 June 2015 By ASU

The ASU has lodged a submission with the Federal Government inquiry into federal taxation, including what Australians and businesses pay, as well as how the tax is shared around to benefit Australian citizens. This is an important area for the ASU to speak up for members and the community on both, as users of government services, as well as many of our industries depend on financial support from government, social and community services and local government.

The Government's discussion paper can be located at

"With some of the points raised in the Government reasoning including – multinational trade, increasing global competition for investment, the internet, the digital economy as well as the governments views on "fairness". Plus its recent cuts in funding from community services, local government and the public services many ASU members need, along with the ASU record on fighting for issues i.e. paid parental leave, make this an important inquiry for the ASU to put forward a range of views on a position" said Greg McLean, Assistant National Secretary.

Download ASU submission here icon ASU Submission

Contact Details
Name: Greg McLean, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 0419 796 801