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ASU condemns terror attacks in Paris and wherever they occur

16 November 2015 By ASU

The ASU stands in solidarity with victims of terror attacks around the world. The events in Paris a few days ago have highlighted the barbarity of such attacks and their unconscionable impact on innocent people going about their daily lives. As part of a movement based on collective action, we know that the best way to confront attacks on our freedoms is to hold ever stronger to our values.

We stand with others in the union movement and support the statement of international union leader Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, who said, "We grieve for the victims of the Paris attacks and all other such atrocities.

"The global trade union movement stands in full solidarity with the people of France, who showed such extraordinary generosity and bravery even as the attacks were still underway, tending to the wounded and opening their doors to those escaping the atrocities. This spirit, and the determination of people everywhere to protect fundamental freedoms, is an inspiration to all. Democracy, dialogue and the universal values of human rights and freedoms must and will prevail over the brutality that was witnessed once ... in Paris."

The ASU also sends our message of solidarity to our union colleagues in cities affected by terror attacks - workers in occupations covered by our Union are often first responders in times of tragedy such as these and will be intimately involved in the efforts to restore peace and order despite tragic circumstances.

Paris is not the only city to confront such attacks in recent times, but in drawing the world's attention to what has seemed an intractable problem for so long, we hope that leaders will follow the actions of ordinary people by standing up to confront and resolve the issues that cause these atrocities to happen in the first place.

Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400