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The Government is on the side of big business, not working people and their communities

08 May 2018 By ASU

Tonight, we needed a budget that tackled growing inequality, flat lining wages, gave our communities greater security in employment and retirement. 

Instead the Federal Government delivered for its mates in banks and big business with $80 billion in corporate tax cuts.

The Federal Government has failed many in our community:

·        This Budget sees almost no additional funding to domestic violence services apart from a further $11.5 million for 1800 RESPECT after ASU members campaigned to maintain quality counselling services for women, men and children who have experienced domestic or sexual violence.

·        There are cuts to foreign aid in real terms with funding frozen until 2023, as well as a 30 percent reduction in funding of the Human Rights Commission.

·        In a blow to democracy the ABC will lose a further $163 million, only reducing its capacity to keep politicians honest.

·        The Budget provides no ongoing funding beyond 2020 for Aboriginal Legal Services and Community Legal Services, potentially affecting hundreds of ASU members’ jobs in the community sector.

·        In the NDIS there’s nothing to support workers but the Government is giving $64.2 million over 3 years to employers to market themselves instead of investing in training and skills development of the existing NDIS workforce.

·        The Budget expands the appalling Community Development Programme which makes Aboriginal and low income workers be paid less than the minimum wage and not have rights to Workplace, Health and Safety standards or to superannuation

·        New migrants to Australia under the budget will now have to wait four years to access social service payments, making women living with violence extremely vulnerable.

·        The Federal Government has continued to freeze the minimum rate of superannuation at 9.5%, ignoring every report that shows women do not have enough money in retirement and are the fastest growing demographic of those experiencing homelessness.

·        There is nothing to address the looming crisis in community mental health that ASU members have been campaigning for years, instead new mental heath money is focused on hotline supports.

·        There’s no funding for renewable energy or just transitions for workers in the energy sector.

·        There’s no new funding to local governments for the important work they do in our communities.

·        There are billions of dollars for roads and rail, but it will ONLY be given if state governments are prepared to sell off their public assets or enter into partnership with the private sector.

Tonight the Federal Government proved that this Government’s priorities are still the big end of town.  All workers have lost in this budget because the Government is on the side of big business not working people, their families and communities.

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Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400