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Toll Dnata EBA negotiations soon to begin

22 August 2013 By ASU

The ASU log of claims for the new Toll Dnata Ramp and Cargo agreement has been given to the company after it was endorsed by ASU members. We have had our first meeting with the management representatives to explain to them what ASU members want from a new agreement.

Your Melbourne delegates together with Assistant National Secretary Linda White and Lead Organiser Matt Norrey held a preliminary meeting with management on 20th August 2013. At this meeting we outlined in general terms what our log of claims means. Management asked a number of questions but did not respond to our claims. We have told the company we want to start bargaining ASAP.

Toll Dnata bargaining notice

To commence bargaining for a new agreement the Fair Work Act requires Toll Dnata to provide all employees who are to be covered by the new agreement with a letter outlining your rights. We expect Toll Dnata to send this letter out by the end of August 2013. Negotiators of EBAs are called "bargaining representatives".

Members of the ASU do not have to do anything about the appointment of a bargaining representative – the ASU is automatically your bargaining representative and the ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) made up of ASU delegates and officials will conduct the negotiations on behalf of ASU members.

If you are not an ASU member now is the time to join so you can have a say about the claim and be represented by our team. You can join online at

Next meetings

We have agreed to start the bargaining meetings with a 2 day session in Sydney on 5 and 6 September 2013 and then we hope to plan further meetings on a fortnightly basis after that.

The meetings will be held jointly with the other union with Ramp and Cargo members. We will update you after every meeting about what progress is made.

Want more information?

If you want more information contact your local ASU organiser (download the full bulletin below for details).


icon Toll Dnata Bulletin - 21 August 2013

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400