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Energy & Water

29 October 2012 By

The Australian Services Union is the union for energy and water workers in Australia.

The responsibility of providing electricity & gas (energy), and water/sewerage in our society falls on ASU members across the country. Their professionalism ensures continuity of services and in times of crises like natural disasters, they are often amongst the first responders.



Following is a summary of the ASU’s coverage Energyin this sector. It is not exhaustive, so if you do not see your position or employer listed, you may still be eligible for ASU membership. Feel free to make an inquiry.

Position Titles Major employers
  • clerical and administrative staff
  • meter readers - field and office
  • electricity supply operators
  • pole inspectors
  • technical officers
  • power station operators
  • supervisors
  • chemical technicians
  • scientists
  • vegetation management officers
  • managers
  • call centre workers
  • engineers
  • retail workers
  • network technical staff
  • para-professionals and professionals

Endeavour Energy (NSW)
AusGrid (NSW)
Essential Energy (NSW)
Eraring Energy (NSW)
Delta Energy (NSW)
Macquarie Generation (NSW)
TransGrid (NSW)
Energex (Qld)
Ergon Energy (Qld)
Sparq (Qld)
CS Energy (Qld)
Gladstone (Qld)
Stanwell (Qld)
Tarong Energy (Qld)
Millmerran Power (Qld)
Callide (Qld)
Swanbank (Qld)
Kogan (Qld)
Powerlink (Qld)
SA Power Networks (ex ETSA Utilities)(SA)
Torrens Island (SA)
Pelican Point (SA)
ElectraNet (SA)
Horizon (WA)
Synergy (WA)
Verve Energy (WA)
Western Power (WA)
Kwinana Power Station (WA)
Aurora Energy (Tas)
Hydro Tasmania (Tas)
Transend (Tas)
Powercor (Vic)
Citipower (Vic)
Jemena (Vic)
SP Ausnet (Vic)
Energy Brix (Vic)
AGL Hydro (Vic)
Yallourn Power (Vic)
Loy Yang Power (Vic)
Loy Yang B (Vic)
Hazelwood Power Station (Vic)
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) (National employer)
HRL Ltd (National employer)
Energy Safe Victoria (National employer)
Origin Energy (National employer)
Tru Energy/EnergyAustralia (National employer)
Australian Meter Reading Services (AMRS)(National employer)

  • operators
  • clerical and administrative staff
  • managers
  • outdoor workers
  • maintenance
  • scientists, chemists, lab technicians
  • water testers
  • pipes workers
  • field workers
  • engineers
Regional Water Authorities
Melbourne Water
Sydney Water
Hunter Water
Southern Water (Tas)
Ben Lomond Water (Tas)
Cradle Coast Mountain Water (Tas)
Urban Utilities (QLD)
Seqwater (QLD)
Sunwater (QLD)
Allconnex (QLD)
Unitywater (QLD)

The ASU is Australia's largest union in the energy/electricity industry. With ASU members working in a variety of fields, every time you turn on an electric switch, visit an automatic teller machine, walk into an air conditioned room, catch an electric train, watch television or even use your computer, an ASU member has been part of the process of delivering energy to you.

Whatever the award, enterprise agreement or other document that outlines your conditions of employment, superannuation, wages and salaries, occupational health and safety and more, Australia's largest energy union has been part of the negotiations to establish your benefits, both now and in the past.

The ASU has been a feature of the Australian energy industry from its inception, through local government authorities and state enterprises, we have a proud history of ensuring ASU members enjoy superior benefits.

The network of ASU Branches, local representation and delegates, backed up by full-time officials of the Union, have allowed us to represent members and gain significant benefits. The changes taking place within the Australian energy industry are a reflection of worldwide trends, international ideas, international companies, and the global economy.

No matter where you work in Australia or the issues you face, we are not far away and have the expertise to understand and deal with your energy industry.

icon Investment in new power generation in New South Wales: Comments by Public Service International Research Unit, University of Greenwich, London

The ASU has been part of the Australian water industry since Branches of the Union first covered membership in local government and state authorities a century ago. The Union has followed the development of the industry, representing members and achieving high standards in conditions of employment, rates of play and occupational health and safety.

The rates of pay and conditions of employment you work under have been directly affected or negotiated by the ASU, no matter what your classification in the water industry, or your employer - we are, after all, Australia's largest water industry union.

With the changing environment in the Australian water industry, along with the movement towards competency based training, the Union has gained recognition for members, job security, better rates of pay and conditions of employment along with portability of training for members with that training being recognised throughout the entire Australian water industry, no matter whether you work in local government, the private sector, corporatised or traditional government authorities.

The energy and water industries have seen a movement away from government control to a mix of privatised and corporatised entities facing competition that is a mix of state corporatised authorities, private-public partnerships, private water and sewerage treatment plants and local government water authorities/departments.

The industries have attracted the attention of Federal and State governments in their pursuit of deregulation, cost efficiency and public-sector reform. This has created avenues for private sector participation, consultants and privatisation. Such trends are not unique to Australia but, as in the names and owners of the private sector participants, follow a worldwide trend of reform of utilities.

This means the ASU deals not only with public sector departments, corporatised authorities, local government but also the private sector participants including international utility companies. This is a global trend, and the ASU is not alone. International best practice, bench marking against utilities in other Australian States and internationally are commonly pursued by companies and consultants in their drive for efficiency, to stretch governments' budgets further or the pursuit of profit for shareholders.

Utilities industry workers need representation, assistance in organising and campaigning to get the message across to management, owners and the community - that's where the ASU comes in.