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Secure Jobs Secure Data

29 October 2012 By

Secure Jobs Secure Data is a joint campaign of the Australian Services Union (ASU) and the Finance Sector Union (FSU) focussed on the crisis facing professional services workers whose jobs are being offshored at an alarming rate. The campaign is also concerned about the offshoring of Australian's sensitive personal data which follows the jobs going offshore, and how this affects our privacy and security.



In 2012, the ASU and FSU commissioned NIEIR to update their original report into offshoring that was released in 2008. The new report confirmed business off-shoring practices are costing Australia 20,000-25,000 administrative and financial services jobs every year.

News item from the 2012 NIEIR Report launch: 80,000 service sector jobs lost overseas - Unions call for industry plan, 9 October 2012

icon 2012 NIEIR Report Update: Off-shore and off work: The future of Australia’s service industries in a global economy

icon 2012 NIEIR Report Update: Off-shore and off work - Summary

Video of the launch:



To raise the volume of the campaign against offshoring, the ASU and FSU commissioned a video showing the human face of the crisis. The video was launched at the ACTU Congress 2012. The ASU/FSU presentation to Congress on the state of the white collar sector threw a spotlight on the crisis facing not just workers in the sector but the Australian economy in general.

News item about the video launch: Stop offshoring our future, 16 May 2012

The White Collar Jobs Crisis video:


The ASU, FSU and other unions saw the looming crisis caused by offshoring many years ago. In 2008, NIEIR was commissioned by the ASU, FSU and other concerned unions to produce their first report into offshoring.

 News item about the launch of the 2008 report: icon ASU news: New report counts costs of globalisation 080527, 27 May 2008

icon 2008 NIEIR Report: Off-Shore and Off Work - The future of Australian service industries in a global economy - A call to action

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