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ASU members endorse Jetstar EBA 5

13 March 2015 By ASU, the airlines industry union


It's been an endurance event, but after lengthy negotiations we finally have an agreement which ASU members have endorsed in meetings across Australia.

The proposed EBA provides a number of significant improvements in some important terms and conditions of our work. As ASU members now endorse the EBA we encourage all staff to vote 'YES' when it is put to vote. The EBA was distributed on Thursday 12 March 2015 and initially there were format problems and a problem with the parental leave clause which meant that the amended agreement was reissued later in the day.

How the vote will work

All staff covered by the proposed EBA 5, including those on any kind of approved leave, will be given the opportunity to vote yes or no to the new Agreement. Of those employees who vote, 50% 'plus one' must vote 'YES' before Jetstar can make an application to have the Agreement approved by Fair Work Commission (FWC). The Agreement will take effect 7 days after FWC gives its approval.

Jetstar has advised that employees will be able to vote online from 9:00 a.m. 20 March to 12 noon 27 March 2015 (AEDST). To register your YES vote:

  1. Type the internet address directly into your web browser. Do not try to find it through a search engine such as Google as it will not be listed.
  2. Enter your surname, staff number and date of birth then click on the submit button.
  3. Click on the YES box then click on the submit button.

Please note that your personal information is only used to check that you are eligible to vote and that you have not already voted. Your vote will remain totally confidential. Jetstar will not be able to view who has voted or how they voted.

Stand together win together

EBA 5 represents real gains in the quality and value of our work, achieved through the determination, patience and courage of ASU members and their ability to unite towards a common goal. There are a number of other issues that have been dealt with in related letters which also deliver changes and improvements if the EBAS is voted up. Make sure you talk to your organiser or delegate about these.

Need more information?

If you have any questions contact your ASU delegates or organisers (download the full bulletin below for details).


icon Jetstar EBA 5 Bulletin - 13 March 2015

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400