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All our claims tabled for the Jetstar EBA 6

17 October 2017 By ASU

At our 2nd meeting with Jetstar management on 9th October 2017 we tabled most of our remaining detailed claims, as follows:

Claim 10 - Ensure job security of Jetstar employees by providing that any contractors are paid the same rates and conditions.

Claim 25 - Provide for the ability to access job share arrangements.

Claim 28 - Increase the company superannuation contribution to 12%.

The ASU made the commitment to provide Jetstar with further information including 4 additional clauses with the expectation that Jetstar management will respond to our claims as a whole package at the next EBA meeting.

Copies of the detailed claims are available from your local ASU organisers or National Negotiating Team members.

Management “outline their claims"

Jetstar management “outlined” their general claims saying they want no major changes to the existing agreement though they did say they want:

  •  4 year agreement.
  • Reduced application of NIL48 arrangements.
  • Changes to management and acquittal of Annual Leave entitlements.
  • Discussion about management of sick leave patterns.
  • Reduction in frequency of national consultations with the ASU.

At this stage of the negotiation there is no saying whether this news is good or bad. The detail is important. We expect greater detail about Jetstar’s claims at our next meeting.

The company has said they want no major changes to your agreement but we will have to hear from Jetstar about what their claims mean for you.

Our next meeting

Our next meeting is scheduled for 26th October 2017. Watch out for more details.

Need more information?

Now is the time for non ASU members to join the ASU so you can be represented by our experienced team.

You can join online now at our secure form:

You have any questions about any of the above, contact your local organiser (download the full bulletin below for details)

icon  Jetstar Bulletin EBA 6, 17 October 2017

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400