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JQ EBA 6 offer for members to consider!

15 February 2018 By ASU

Jetstar EBA6 logo buttonOn 8 February your NNT held further negotiations with Jetstar. After a lengthy but healthy day of discussions and some further movement on our claims by Jetstar we now believe we have an offer we are able to recommend to ASU members. ASU Organisers and delegates will be holding members meetings to explain the detail of the offer to you.

Summary of the negotiation

Negotiations have been ongoing since September 2017.

There has been considerable work put into achieving improvements for ASU members and significant drafting of new and improved clauses.

Below is an overview of changes and improvements to the proposed EBA. Detail will be provided at members meetings so please make sure that you attend a union briefing session.

Amendments and additions include;

  • Wage Increases
  • Foreign language allowance
  • Higher Duties
  • Additional Paid Parental Leave that defaults to superannuation
  • Ability to cash out a proportion of your annual leave as well as protections to ensure that you have time off to be eligible to cash out leave
  • A one of cash out of accrued annual leave on certification of the EBA
  • Family & Domestic Violence Leave
  • Clearer and quicker processes for underpayment of wages
  • Processes for repaying overpayments in a fair and manageable way
  • Better consultation provisions & rostering principles improved
  • A review of baggage services within the first 12 month of the EBA
  • An improved Redundancy package

Other ongoing commitments in Side Letter

  • Ensure Salaried officers are on duty for arrivals
  • Recommitment to job security - Jetstar Services cannot be used to do your work
  • Buddy Training
  • Avalon
  • Improvements to the Baggage Commission including additional codes and an increase in the percentage paid to employees
  • Retained the definition of what constitutes double time for Nil48

Employees will no doubt have questions about the detail and how the proposal will benefit them. We encourage all members to attend ASU meetings at your local port.

Make your voice heard

Organisers and Delegates will be holding meetings with ASU members over the next 2/3 weeks to explain the offer that’s been tabled and seek your endorsement.

Watch out for meetings

Meetings will be held in many locations– watch out for your local meetings – coming to your workplace soon.

 Next Steps

If you’re not a member of the ASU, you can join online now at our secure form:

Need more information?

You have any questions about any of the above, contact your local organiser (download the full bulletin below for details)

icon Jetstar EBA 6 Bulletin, 11 February 2018

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 09342 1400