The Qantas Group have provided the ASU with information about upcoming JobKeeper pay dates. A table is provided below confirming all the dates that Jetstar is to make a JobKeeper payment to ALL eligible employees for the duration of the scheme.
Any employee who believes they are entitled to JobKeeper payments, has not received any payments or has queries about any of the payments received should urgently contact their ASU Organiser.
The ASU is considering all your legal options
Continue to raise ALL issues by raising a payroll inquiry that explains your problem. Attach any supporting document or evidence. Then send a copy of your payroll complaint to as well as your local ASU organiser.
It’s important to complete our survey and help the ASU decide whether to take Jetstar to the Fair Work Commission. We need to hear from you urgently.
Complete this short survey here and all information will be treated confidentially.
Contact your ASU Organiser for more information (download full bulletin here).
If you are not a member of the ASU now is the time to join ---