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Public Services Bulletin - October 2013

01 November 2013 By ASU

This edition contains the following items: NTC and Austroads deepen links to improve transport regulatory reform; NO need to even try economic arguments for privatisation of State Assets; IAC update on Continuous Improvement of SIS; Citizen Committees in Local Government; Outsourcing decision-making to big business raises questions about credibility of commission; Council's plan to close down ALL Childcare services at Blacktown City Council; Federal Government commences National Commission of Audit - advice from ALGA; plus more.

You can find all these items on Greg McLean's blog


NTC and Austroads deepen links to improve transport regulatory reform  Stronger ties between the National Transport Commission (NTC) and Austroads promise to take road transport regulatory reform in Australia to a new level. The two major Australian transport associations today signed a new agreement to form a common line of action on road transport issues such as research, policy development, implementation and operational matters. Among the key areas of cooperation will be joint work to help pave the way for emerging technologies that will make the nation’s roads safer. Media advice NTC...

Tagged in: Energy Local Government Occupational Health & Safety Public Transport State/Federal Government Services


NO need to even try economic arguments for privatisation of State Assets NO need to even try economic arguments for privatisation of State Assets - Mr Baird announced the actual result for 2012-13 was a $239 million surplus instead of the $374 million deficit estimated in the June budget...

Tagged in: Energy State/Federal Government Services


IAC update on Continuous Improvement of SIS Please note the below advice just received from Service Skills around the development of reference groups for Fitness and Community Recreation . These are important areas of work for ASU Local Government Members working in Sport and Recreation and related areas.  These groups will help establish the skills and training packages , via the continuous improvement review ( adding new items, updating  and removing non used etc )  The ASU has an opportunity to participated in this review , but it’s helpful to have someone that works in the area and is familiar with the training packages and or the general training and package use in the area.  It represents a significant opportunity for ASU membership, delegate etc participation  .  If you are aware of members / delegates etc or you have a ‘ sport and recreation membership reference group interested , could you make them aware of this project and...

Tagged in: Industry Skills Councils Local Government


Citizen Committees in Local Government19th September 2013, Citizen Committees In Local GovernmentNew research from Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACLEG) has explored the role of citizens' committees in Australian local government decision-making processes.  The report, The Role and Future of Citizen Committees in Australian Local Government will be a useful resource for councils looking to enhance the effectiveness of community committees.  Committee types include both council-appointed committees, and incorporated non-for-profit organisations. The study explored the role and future of citizens' committees as vehicles for sustained community engagement, and how their function might be strengthened in view of Australian and international research. The research highlights the importance of integrating citizen committees into community governance approaches to ensure their democratic potential is realised, and the valuable role well-managed and adequately resourced citizen committees can play in local governance. The research was an ACELG Research Partnership Scheme project with partners: the newDemocracy Foundation; Victorian councils Wyndham City Council, Nillumbik Shire Council, Surf Coast Shire Council; the Municipal Association of Victoria, and; the Victorian Local Governance Association.  The report includes a review of current literature on the...

Tagged in: Local Government Quality Public Services


Outsourcing decision-making to big business raises questions about credibility of commission ACTU calls on the Commission of Audit to be transparent, consult with stakeholders and release an issues paper if it wants to be viewed as credible.   ACTU President Ged Kearney said, “Transparency and consultation are extremely important considering that this is not a broad-based commission, it is a body that has no representatives from civil society or unions and yet will be responsible for major national reform.”   “The Government has outsourced decision making to one section of the community, namely big business, and must open up the process to community, unions and small business in order to create perception of fairness.”   “Credibility will be a major issue for this commission particularly if there is a lack of transparency and consultation. Australians are not stupid and they will identify rushed policy, created behind closed doors, as something to be very suspicious of. That’s why we call, among other things,...

Tagged in: Child Care Local Government Public Sector Quality Public Services State/Federal Government Services


Mayor Len Robinson and Blacktown City Council: We the Community want you to hold a community forum that is separate from ANY Council meeting to discuss Council's plan to close down ALL Childcare services at Blacktown City Council

Mayor Len Robinson and Blacktown City Council: We the Community want you to hold a community forum that is separate from ANY Council meeting to discuss Council's plan to close down ALL Childcare services at Blacktown City Council. for too long councils have been closing community services , its time for all councils to think of building more services - to serve the community - only those that close council services lack vision - citizens must be advised of councils intentions on things kike this before they vote not after and no excuses - well done USU   ...

Tagged in: Child Care Local Government Quality Public Services Release of the National Local Government Workforce Strategy">ACELG - Release of the National Local Government Workforce Strategy

Release of the National Local Government Workforce Strategy2nd August 2013, Though published in April 2013, the federal Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Catherine King MP, released the 'Future-Proofing Local Government: National Workforce Strategy 2013-2020' on 2 August 2013. It is now publicly available for the sector and implementation has begun. The Future-Proofing Local Government: National Workforce Strategy 2013-2020 was prepared by the Local Government Practice Unit of Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) on behalf of the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG), Workforce Development Program.   Download Download the Strategy here. To view the media release of the Minister, click here. To view the joint media release of ACELG and LGMA, click here. ...

Tagged in: Local Government">Federal Government commences National Commission of Audit - advice from ALGA -  Federal Government commences National Commission of Audit The Australian Government this week announced the commencement of the National Commission of Audit, which will assess the activities and expenses of the Commonwealth Government and feed into the Government's work on the division of responsibilities between local, state and federal governments. Over coming months the Commission may hold public and private hearings, receive submissions from stakeholders including the public, and directly liaise with Government Departments.  All Departments of the Government have been asked to fully cooperate with the Commission and ALGA will look at providing a submission outlining the shared responsibilities of federal and local governments and the strength of the partnership between the two levels of government. Although local government generates more than 80 per cent of its own revenue, funding from the Commonwealth Government through grants is an important source of revenue, particularly for regional and remote communities. Funding...

Tagged in: Local Government Quality Public Services State/Federal Government Services


USU has been working hard to prepare for campaigns with an aim to make your state a better place.    In the lead up to the 2015 state election the USU has been working hard to prepare for campaigns with an aim to make your state a better place. The local government amalgamations and electricity privatisation campaigns are of course high on our political agenda. What you may not know is that the USU is not only active in industrial and political areas. We try to better the lives of our members and the public within their communities in a variety of ways. Many officials participate in fund raising and charity work. The USU is heavily involved with the White Ribbon foundation and we are also proudly partnered with the Sydney Alliance. The Sydney Alliance consists of over 50 partner organisations within Sydney such as the Cancer Council, St Vincent De Paul, Youth services and church groups to name a few. Collectively we work together on issues of interest...

Tagged in: Local Government Quality Public Services


Heavy Vehicle Regulator to supply information pack to councils - advice from ALGA   - Heavy Vehicle Regulator to supply information pack to councils The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has prepared an information pack to assist councils in meeting new responsibilities and arrangements under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL), which will soon come into effect to ensure national consistency in heavy vehicle law and regulations. The information kit will soon be sent to local government road managers and follows the distribution of materials to councils by the NHVR in June and August.  It contains details about the extent of new obligations for councils under the national law, decision-making advice regarding the provision of access to roads by heavy vehicles, guidance regarding time limits for decisions, and general tips on how to manage access applications. When the HVNL comes into effect, the NHVR will be the key coordination point for heavy vehicle operators to contact to apply for road access permits.  Councils will...

Tagged in: Local Government


Federal Government abolishes The Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport

The new Administrative Arrangements Order is available on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website at: ABOLITION, ESTABLISHMENT AND RENAMING OF DEPARTMENTS OF STATE The Prime Minister gives notice that on 18 September 2013, the Governor-General in Council, acting on the Prime Minister’s recommendation under section 64 of the Constitution: (a) Abolished the following Departments of State: The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations The Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism   Federal Government Media.  ...

Tagged in: Local Government


Tasmanian Government moves away from privatisation and stays with regulation.......... The Minister for Energy and Resources Bryan Green today re-affirmed the Government’s commitment to open up Tasmania’s retail electricity market to competition and keep power prices down. Mr Green said the Government will deliver lower power prices despite its decision to suspend the sale of Aurora Energy’s retail business. “The 5.2 per cent cut in power prices next year is locked in and we are restructuring our energy businesses to drive further efficiencies to maintain downward pressure on prices,” Mr Green said. “Rises in electricity prices will be a thing of the past. Mr Green said the Government was still on track to introduce competition in Tasmania’s electricity market. “Auora will continue to retail electricity to Tasmanian customers, and other retailers will be allowed into the market from July 1 next year. “The full sale is not going ahead because it is clear under current market conditions we would not achieve...

Tagged in: Energy Public Services Bulletin


WIOA - September Edition of Words The September Edition of Operator is now available to be downloaded from the WIOA website.    Coming Events in October  9 October - Tasmanian Advisory Committee Water interest Day ‐ Huon WTP  20 October ‐ Victorian Charity Golf Day ‐ Euroa Golf Club 24 October ‐ Operation of Membrane Treatment Plants Seminar, Cairns (on behalf of DLGCRR) 30 October ‐ Victorian Advisory Committee Interest Day and Tour of the Melton WWTP     The Call for Papers is now open for the 8th Annual WIOA NSW Water Industry Operations Conference and Exhibition to be held in Orange on 2 & 3 April, 2014. Be part of this event by submitting an abstract for a paper or poster.    Advice from WIOA  ...

Tagged in: Local Government Water


NSW Energy Security Summit - Communiqué (NSW) - some outcomes note Diversity in the future energy mix and optimal utilisation of the electricity grid 15. That diversity of energy sources creates multiple pathways for innovation which is important to maintaining a resilient, secure energy future. 16. That the variety of energy sources, delivery mechanisms and consumer driven technology shifts are growing and governments should ensure the regulatory framework is predictable and stable to allow for market investment and innovation. 17. That in recognising that the energy supply mix will change, the role of the NSW Government is to facilitate change rather than drive change itself. Consideration needs to be given to ensuring the transition to new forms of energy is affordable, that choice is maintained, innovation and research is fostered and that the costs and technical impacts of change on the existing system are understood. 18. That collaborative work be undertaken to establish better processes to accommodate new technologies entering the existing...

Tagged in: Local Government


recent item from the ALGA bulletin Timber bridge is falling down Local government is responsible for approximately 30,000 local bridges throughout Australia. These bridges range from well maintained, robust structures to deteriorating historic infrastructure that desperately needs maintenance or replacement work......

Tagged in: Local Government


RELEASE OF 2011/12 REPORT ON COMPARATIVE INFORMATION ON NSW LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NSW) Local Government Minister Don Page announced the release the 2011/12 report on Comparative Information on NSW Local Government at the 2013 Local Government NSW Annual Conference in Sydney today. This 22nd edition of Comparative Information on NSW Local Government Councils is the first stage in several major changes to the report. The NSW Government is working hard to strengthen local government so councils are well-placed to support their local communities. The Government is working with local government on a number of initiatives to help improve the long-term sustainability of all councils in NSW, Mr Page said. the similarities to the UK local government in the financial management button to constrain councils rather than the issues if service to the community, nothing on skills and training and workforce development , but based soly on financial issues , not to mention comparisons with state owned corporations, whose motivation is return to shareholder and also have the ability  to raise their own charges for total business activity not like councils who need grants – may need less support from state govts and less rate increases, but in turn reducing services . The financial comparator looks short term as well and does not factor in the need to spend on skills and training staff, some points as doors to contracting out … the comparison’s in directions to the UK seems worth noting .. examples include Page 8 - This will help communi...

Tagged in: Local Government Public Services Bulletin


futher advice on local government workforce strategy report by ACELG - this time an item from latest edition of ALGA bulletin

National Workforce Strategy In August, the (then) federal Minister for Regional Australia, Local Government and Territories, the Hon. Catherine King released Future-Proofing Local Government: National Workforce Strategy 2013-2020. The Strategy was prepared by Local Government Managers Australia on behalf of ACELG as a key activity under the Centre's Workforce Development Program. Read more » Back to top...

Tagged in: Local Government


Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Records and Museums (GLARM) Workforce Development Strategy, and complementary case study on The University of Melbourne, Following the release of IBSA’s Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Records and Museums (GLARM) Workforce Development Strategy, and complementary case study on The University of Melbourne, we’re seeking feedback on how the Strategy is being used to: assist organisations to plan, develop and support skills development within their workforces, and facilitate local partnerships to achieve workforce skills outcomes.   We’d appreciate any testimonials or information on: interest or use of the Strategy projects or potential areas of development in the GLARM sectors, and use of nationally endorsed qualifications and interest in Skill Sets in the GLARM sectors. As we’re to provide input to an ALIA paper we’d appreciate, and look forward to your comments. The information provided will be used in an ALIA presentation at the Library Technician’s Symposium in October that: focuses on the critical information that employers and prospective learners need to know about the CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services...

Tagged in: Industry Skills Councils Local Government


Thousands die or are injured at work - we need vigilance on safety in the workplace.  Over half a million workers injured and thousands killed each year in Australia shows we need to strengthen not weaken workplace safety regulation. Data shows 600,000 workers are injured – 127,000 of those seriously – each year costing Australia more than $60 billion annually. ACTU president Ged Kearney said, “This raises serious questions about workplace safety at a time when the government is seeking to further diminish the ability of workers to speak up for themselves in their workplaces.” “Thousands of workers are injured or killed from preventable factors and that tells us we need to be much more vigilant, not less which is the direction we are heading." "There are not enough inspectors and they are unable to visit anywhere near the number of workplaces required. Fines and prosecutions are extremely low compared with the number of injuries and deaths.” New figures from Safe Work reveal that in 2011-12 only...

Tagged in: Occupational Health & Safety


No Public Asetts for sale  Over the last week there have been reports in the media around privatization and some unions and union leaders views This is not the first time some union leaders or ALP members have raised this issue in the past we have seen union officials that do not work with members or for employees in the public services area or a union official looking at superannuation investment .   Unions in Australia and political parties such as the ALP have debated policy in this area with political parties, politicians and rank and file members and unions working together through the party structures developing policy’s based on strong domestic and international research that for public assets and utilities has shown poor community outcomes and great disadvantage for many in the post privatization environment , lost jobs,  lost training,  movement of profits to other countries and communities, adding to National debt and much...

Tagged in: Energy Local Government State/Federal Government Services Superannuation & Pensions Water


Public services and decent work for all World Day for Decent Work – 7 October 2013  On 7 October we celebrate the World Day for Decent Work. Public Services International (PSI) joins the international trade union movement in demanding decent work for all and an end to the continuous attacks on trade union rights around the world. We want jobs that provide decent salaries and social security with safe working conditions. Public services provide decent work; quality public services can only be delivered by workers whose rights are fully respected. To this end, Public Services International defends and advances the fundamental rights and conditions of work for all workers across the globe regardless of status. Public service unions are under attack on a global scale. From Guatemala to Botswana to South Korea, governments refuse to recognize trade unions and discriminate against unionists with the aim to silence workers’ voices who demand quality public services for all. In the summer of 2013, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban...

Tagged in: Energy Local Government Public Transport Quality Public Services Water


Contact Details
Name: Greg McLean, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 0419 796 801
More info: Greg McLean's Blog