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Qantas to remain majority Australian owned

16 July 2014 By ASU, the airlines industry union


We have some welcome news. Late last night the Abbott Government backed down from their push to open up foreign ownership of Qantas by repealing the Qantas Sale Act.

There was no support in the Senate for amendments that could have seen thousands of jobs offshored.

This is your win.

In March this year, ASU delegates came with the ASU and other unions to Canberra to talk directly to MPs and Senators and the major parties about the impact these proposed changes would have on Qantas workers and our economy.

ASU members added their voice by contacting their MPs directly.

You have helped secure Australia's national carrier as a majority Australian owned airline and stopped the Government ripping away important protections.

Every email you sent, every phone call you made, every graphic on Facebook you shared, built the case against the proposed changes to Qantas.

A compromise position was reached with Labor. The compromise will limit foreign investment to 49% as a total. Importantly Qantas headquarters must remain in Australia, as will maintenance and catering. The board structure will not reduce the number of Australians who make decision on the future of the company.

Let's hope the senior executives at Qantas take advantage of this opportunity to invest in the future of the airline and its people.

Of course this news will come as little comfort for those hard working Qantas staff who have already lost their job through the relentless restructuring that has been rolled out across the airline. The ASU will continue to fight for these staff to receive their proper entitlements and the support they need for the future.

Thank you for fighting along side us during a difficult time for everyone at Qantas. Maintaining the protections in the Qantas Sale Act is an important achievement.

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400
More info: All ASU Qantas Group News