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Our message to Qantas workers – only believe it if it is in writing

30 October 2014 By ASU, the airlines industry union


ASU delegates and officials met with Qantas Telephone Sales and HR management in Melbourne on 29th October 2014 for an update on the redeployment, redundancy and other issues arising from the closure of Brisbane and Melbourne Centres.

As usual there were more questions than answers and disappointingly there is still misinformation and inconsistencies with information emanating from Qantas leading us to believe unless it is in writing you cannot believe it.

Here is a brief summary of the key issues discussed:

  • Qantas say 2 RPLs per employee will be available at no cost – we await written confirmation – this occurred because we put that this was the only fair thing to do.
  • We have put to the company it is unfair that there is only 2 windows for Melbourne staff to go to the Brisbane Centre – we say this opportunity should be available right up to Melbourne's closure.
  • We requested Melbourne airport management be deployed to Camberwell to give detailed information on the jobs on offer as had occurred in Brisbane - this is happening today.
  • We want the customer email work currently done in Melbourne to go to Hobart not Auckland after Melbourne closes – Qantas is "reviewing" this.
  • We want hotline in Hobart to be for all channels - again QANTAS is reviewing this.
  • We want everyone who wants to be redeployed to get the best chance they can to do this.

Qantas has promised to respond to our issues by 7 November 2014.

Once again we have had to argue with Qantas about some misinformation the company put out about redundancy entitlements for people who want to go to Brisbane from Melbourne. We have asked them to publish the correct information. We will shortly be having meetings of members to talk through issues – make sure you attend.

Hobart – what's happening?

At the recent AGM we asked a number of questions about the plans for Hobart and also tabled our petition calling on the Qantas Board not to send 50 jobs to Auckland but to send them to Hobart as they first promised. Over 3500 people have signed our petition and over 800 have made additional comments – everyone appreciates the service they get from the Qantas Call Centre staff and many condemned Qantas management for their decisions.

We handed out a leaflet at the AGM and many shareholders expressed disgust.

We are also concerned about the Hobart Centre as we note that Qantas has still not finalised the deal with the Tasmanian Government and has not extended the Hobart Centre lease nor has there been any sign of the much touted refurbishment.

We know that Qantas' word is not its bond and so until these issues are in writing, Hobart staff are right to feel insecure until the future of the Centre is signed sealed and delivered. Pressure is still needed on Qantas and the Tasmanian Government to follow through on their promises.

Need more information?

For further information please contact your local ASU Delegate or ASU organiser in your state (download the bulletin below for details).


icon Qantas Group Bulletin, 30 October 2014

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400
More info: All ASU Qantas Group News