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Qantas holds profit bonus to ransom

24 August 2018 By ASU, the airlines industry union

You cannot be serious Qantas....

After announcing another bumper profit result yesterday off the back of hard working frontline staff, Qantas management are now holding the bonuses for that work to ransom by saying they cannot be accessed by ASU EBA covered staff until after a new EBA is agreed post 30 June 2020 (i.e. when the existing agreement expires).

But wait there is more – Qantas management are also saying that you only get the bonus if you do not take any industrial action to get that new EBA in 2020!

So if you thought you would be getting a $2000 bonus for full timers and a $1500 for part timers – it ain’t happening now – if you want it you are bound to stay at Qantas for 2-3 more years.

If you think that is unfair – spare a thought for the QCatering staff whose business has been sold off to dnata – they are not getting the bonus either, they will never see it as the sale date and transfer is later this year. Heartless, unfair and unprecedented are all words to describe this decision... oh and saving money....

Interestingly the high paid executives not on EBAs have no conditions on their bonuses – they get them in September.

But wait there is more...

Crazily not only is Qantas proposing to delay bonuses to ASU EBA covered staff but if you leave before 2020 you don’t get the bonus your work contributed to in 2017-18 either but the company says anyone who is employed when we finalise EBA 12 will get the bonus.

So someone who starts work in 2020 will get the bonus earned by a person who worked at Qantas in 2017-18.

We all know the airline industry is very volatile, who knows what it will be like next month let alone in 2020 – we need to get the bonuses NOW.

What to do?

This stupid decision effects all union EBA covered staff across Qantas – so everyone is unhappy except the executives of course who are smiling all the way to the bank.

As a result, the ACTU has called an urgent meeting of unions on Monday 27th August to decide on a plan.

We cannot accept this bonus proposal. We need to organise to get the company to change its mind.

Watch out for more details on meetings about our plan of action post Monday.

The clear message is it is time to STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK.

Got any questions?

If you have any questions contact your local ASU delegate or organiser: icon Qantas Bulletin 24 August 2018

Contact Details
Name: Linda White
Telephone: 03 9342 1400