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Photos & Videos

01 November 2012 By

The ASU has extensive photo and video resources recording special events for our members and other related events.



Please visit the ASU National Flickr photo collections. Amongst others, we have photo sets and collections for the following areas:

  • Various rallies during the Equal Pay Case for social and community services (SACS) workers
  • Your Rights at Work rallies
  • GLAM events for LGBTIQ members
  • Women's events

Our Branches also have photo collections which you can find out about by visiting their websites (see blue "Branch Websites" tab above).


We have an ASU National YouTube Channel for hosting videos we have produced and playlists of relevant videos produced by others. Our most recent videos include:

Our Branches also have video collections which you can find out about by visiting their websites (see blue "Branch Websites" tab above).