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Voters believe job security, cost of living, work rights would be worse under a Coalition Government

28 August 2013 By ACTU

Voters believe many aspects of life from rights at work to cost of living would be worse under an Abbott government, new polling shows.

Essential Research polling commissioned by the ACTU found that the only things people thought would improve were conditions for business.

Job security, education, health, public services and housing affordability were all expected to get worse, with rights for workers and cost of living expected to fare worst of all.

"With less than two weeks to go, at a time many voters are making up their minds, it's clear Tony Abbott isn't inspiring confidence that he will act to improve ordinary people's lives," said ACTU President Ged Kearney.

"People are more inclined to think their own job security and their own financial situation would be worse rather than better under an Abbott Government.

"Meanwhile they believe business will be the winners, especially big business.

"As we head into the final stretch of the election campaign, we're looking for a lot more clarity from the Coalition about their plans – particularly in regards to workers' rights and cuts to public services.

"As voters make up their minds they should consider the choices on offer and consider whether the government they elect is really going to act in their interests."

Contact: Ben Ruse 0409 510 879 or Eleni Hale 0418 793 885

Voters believe many aspects of life from rights at work to cost of living would be worse under an Abbott government, new polling shows.


Essential Research polling commissioned by the ACTU found that the only things people thought would improve were conditions for business.


Job security, education, health, public services and housing affordability were all expected to get worse, with rights for workers and cost of living expected to fare worst of all.


“With less than two weeks to go, at a time many voters are making up their minds, it’s clear Tony Abbott isn’t inspiring confidence that he will act to improve ordinary people’s lives,” said ACTU President Ged Kearney.


“People are more inclined to think their own job security and their own financial situation would be worse rather than better under an Abbott Government.


“Meanwhile they believe business will be the winners, especially big business.


“As we head into the final stretch of the election campaign, we’re looking for a lot more clarity from the Coalition about their plans – particularly in regards to workers’ rights and cuts to public services.


“As voters make up their minds they should consider the choices on offer and consider whether the government they elect is really going to act in their interests.” 


[Poll data below]


Contact: Ben Ruse 0409 510 879 or Eleni Hale 0418 793 885
Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400
More info: ASU Federal Election 2013 Resources Webpage