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Abbott dismantling job-creating opportunities despite job losses and rising unemployment

25 February 2014 By ACTU

The Abbott Government's assault on workers continues today with shocking reports that it intends to make it easier for employers to bypass local workers and Australian industries.

The reports outline the Coalition's intention to make it easier for employers to hire 457 visa workers and for major projects to import what they need from China with no obligation to prove they have given local industry an opportunity to bid through the Australian Jobs Act.

ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said, "In the same month that saw the release of the worst unemployment figures in over a decade the Abbott Government has called for a review into 457 visa use to help employers fill job vacancies with international workers."

"This is appalling policy that will make it more difficult for the growing number of Australians who have lost their jobs to find work."

"Helping employers bypass local workers is the opposite of what we should be doing right now. We need a plan to combat unemployment, get people into work and create new opportunities. The Government is supposed to fight for jobs, not send them off shore."

"The use of 457 visas has a particularly devastating effect on youth employment. We should be creating training opportunities, not pulling money out of TAFEs and trade training schools and giving employers the green light to fill their skills need with international workers."

Mr Oliver said it was more bad news for local industries with the Abbott Government intending to scrap the Australian Jobs Act.

"The intention of the Act is to maximise the benefits of the mining boom and give Australian industries a fair and reasonable chance to bid for projects."

"Here is an example of a Government who is not prepared to stand up and fight for jobs. Instead it's actively dismantling schemes designed to create jobs."

"Where are the 1 million jobs that Mr Abbott promised voters before the election?"

"Over the past 6 months we have seen thousands of jobs losses across multiple industries and the collapse of car manufacturing in Australia. This is a Government who is not only unwilling to stand up and fight for jobs but their plan involves taking opportunities away from local workers and industries at the time when they need it most."

Media Contact: Carla De Campo, 0410 579 575 and Eleni Hale, 0418 793 885

Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400