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Budget cuts hurting economy, killing off jobs

10 July 2014 By ACTU

The ACTU today said the rise in Australia's unemployment rate to six per cent in June clearly demonstrates the Abbott Government's slash-and-burn budget is already hurting consumer confidence, jobs and growth.

ACTU President Ged Kearney said the destructive impact of Mr Abbott's deeply unpopular budget is being felt in the community now.

"The fact that Australia has recorded the equal highest unemployment level for more than a decade clearly shows what a disaster the Abbott Government's slash-and-burn budget really is," Ms Kearney said.

"If the budget was good news and confidence was up these numbers would be heading in the opposite direction.

"Instead of creating new jobs and boosting the economy, the Government is forecasting that unemployment will keep rising over the next year and stay at 6.25 per cent after that.

"At a time when workers want to hear about the Abbott Government's plan for jobs, the Government is instead talking about slashing public sector jobs and denying unemployment benefits to people under 30."

The Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show the only new jobs created in June were part-time, while the number of full-time jobs in Australia fell by 3,800.

"It's getting harder and harder for workers to secure full time jobs in this country and at the same time they are facing the prospect of paying for GP visits and losing family tax concessions under the Abbott Government's draconian budget," said Ms Kearney

"The Federal Government should be focusing on creating new jobs and not attacking the most vulnerable Australians with its cruel and unfair budget cuts."

Media contact: Carla De Campo, 0410 579 575

Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400