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Act now to stop Tony Abbott rushing through laws to take away your rights at work

29 August 2014 By ACTU & ASU

Tony Abbott is trying to rush through laws that introduce new unfair individual contracts that cut take home pay, give more power to employers in bargaining and make it harder for workers to access their union. But to do all this he needs the crucial votes of at least six cross-bench senators. We need to act now to stop this happening.

140829-stop-abbotts-billWe can stop Abbott's attack dead in its tracks if just three cross-bench senators vote against the Bill. It looks like the vote will take place this Wednesday so we need to act fast and we need everyone to play their part.

Click here to ask the cross-bench senators to vote against Tony Abbott's unfair anti-worker amendments:

Tony Abbott's new laws bring back some of the worst parts of WorkChoices. Among other things, the Bill:

  • Reintroduces unfair individual contracts that can cut take home pay including weekend and penalty rates
  • Gives employers a veto over industrial action.
  • Allows employers to not pay-out some annual leave if you're sacked or leave a job.
  • Gives mining and construction employers a special deal that allows them to write their own Enterprise Agreements.
  • Reduces the rights of workers to talk to their union at work if they need help.

These laws are part of the Abbott attack on the Australian way of life. Let's make sure that the cross-bench senators know this.

Click here to ask the cross-bench senators to vote against Tony Abbott's unfair anti-worker amendments:

We've shown before that by standing together we can help put the brakes on Tony Abbott's radical and unfair agenda. It is going to take a big effort to knock off these laws but, together, we have it in us.

Let's get one over Tony Abbott and his radical anti-worker agenda.


Read more about these changes in the ACTU Factsheet here: icon ACTU Factsheet: Fair Work Amendment Bill - summary

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400