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Some good news, and some not so good news on the fight for our rights at work

05 September 2014 By ACTU & ASU

Since last Friday more than 17,000 supporters emailed cross bench Senators asking them to vote NO to the Federal Government's Fair Work amendments. That is an amazing effort. Thanks so much to all of you who participated. We are definitely being heard.

The good news is that while Tony Abbott's new work laws were on the agenda for the Senate this week, because of our collective efforts they did not end up being debated.

But we know that the Amendment Bill will go before the Senate in the next sitting of parliament. This means that we have another two weeks to raise the volume about how these changes are bad for ordinary working Australians.

The not so good news is that the Liberals and big business are starting to ramp the pressure up.

Just this week Liberal backbencher Alex Hawke called for weekend rates to be scrapped. Shortly afterwards the Business Council of Australia and Australian Industry Group, representing Australia's biggest corporations, called for Abbott's changes to be passed.

Over the next two weeks we are going to have one hell of a fight on our hands, but we are certainly going to give it our all.

We'll be in touch very soon with the next steps so keep checking the ASU websites and our social media presence.

In the mean time we just wanted to say thanks to those of you who sent emails to the Senators. Our movement is powerful because we are fuelled by the passion of people like you.


Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400