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Time to step up the pace at Virgin

03 October 2013 By ASU

Your ASU National Negotiating Team's last meeting with the company reps was on 26th September 2013.

At this meeting the company built on the work from the last meeting and tabled more details about their proposed classification structure for Guest Services and Pit Crew. The material was not complete and we are still waiting for further details so we can report back to you comprehensively about what is proposed.

The company still has no immediate proposal to change the contact centre classification structure. We have suggested there does need to be some change and not just a review within 6 months of reaching agreement. The company reps are reconsidering their position.

The following is an overview of some of the discussions - on the back of this bulletin is also a summary.

Conversions from part time to full time

It seems that the company is seriously considering our proposal about how part time staff convert to full time. We suggested that using seniority is the cleanest most transparent method for conversion of staff at the same levels. The company now seems to agree with us that this is a reasonable criteria.

Higher duties

A major breakthrough on higher duties payments also appears likely now too – again a claim we have been pursuing vigorously. The company now agrees higher duties should be paid at the actual rate of the higher job instead of the current flat dollar rate regardless of the position. This will apply in both Airports and the contact centre. This is a major gain.

Rostering committee

At present the company won't agree to a separate committee to discuss rostering they want it discussed at the consultation committee. We are reviewing their proposal.

Days in lieu

The company now agrees with our claim that days in lieu should not be lost after 6 months, in both Airports and the contact centre. Untaken DILS will be added to annual leave not paid out after 6 months. This is a big win.

Classification structure and money

We are reviewing this proposal and will report back after our next meeting.

Still a way to go

Your NNT felt we were making real progress at the last meeting on a range of issues but the big issues of the money and back pay still need work. We think it will soon be time for meetings of members to assess our position. Whatever happens sticking together is the key.

Our next meeting

Our next meeting is on 11th October 2013.

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Need more information

For more information please contact your local Organisers download PDF version here icon Virgin Australia Bulletin 24.

Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400