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FWAs - Virgin Australia rejects employee requests for Flexible Working Arrangements

31 January 2019 By ASU, the airlines industry union

Flexible Working Arrangements

Last November, the ASU raised the issue of how to properly handle requests for Flexible Working Arrangements with your National Consultation Committee in Brisbane. Delegates told their stories about the impact of proposed company-wide changes to their existing Flexible Working Arrangements which could leave some staff out of pocket by up to $7,000 per annum. The company agreed to review all requests again.

ASU representatives attended a report back from the company last week when Virgin Australia renewed their advice the business do not believe they can reasonable accommodate any employee who can work 3 days a week with more than 15 hours of guaranteed work.

We heard that 36 new applications were made and by Virgin Australia’s analysis only 3 can be accommodated.

This is a fraction of the arrangements that are accommodated for ground staff at Jetstar, Menzies and Qantas. It also seems strange that having taken two months to consider each application on its merits, Virgin Australia have come up with the same answer for each applicant.

Next steps

Virgin Australia has commenced meeting with individual staff who requested Flexible Working Arrangements. The consultation provisions in your Agreement still need to be followed .Team members can request more information about the company’s decision and provide alternatives to their original requests. Virgin Australia must also respond within 7 days before making a final decision.

You should also contact your Union about representation

Join with your colleagues to demand respect at work by joining the ASU here:

If you have any questions speak with your local ASU representatives (Download the full bulletin here) icon Virgin Australia Bulletin # 23 - 31 January 2019.

Contact Details
Name: ASU National Office
Telephone: 03 9342 1422