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3 next steps for ASU Virgin members: Proxy and Administration Process

24 April 2020 By ASU, the airlines industry union

Member Update

By now, you should have received information about the first Virgin Australia creditors meeting from Deloitte, to your work email address.

There are some important next steps in this process:

Step 1: Proxy Forms

We are asking that ASU members proxy to an ASU representative, Emeline Gaske, at the first creditor’s meeting. You can read more about Emeline below. As individuals you are small creditors, but as a group you will have a lot of power to shape the future of Virgin Australia.

We want to work with the company, the Administrator and the other creditors to get the best outcome for everyone. We will be the only people at the meeting whose only interest is protecting your jobs, entitlements and working conditions. We will share information with you, and take our direction from ASU members every step of the way.

In the email you received from Deloitte, there was a link to an electronic proxy form. Click here to see how you should fill in that form to proxy to the ASU. If you cannot access that webform, you can complete and email a PDF proxy form to and Make sure you let your ASU organiser know once you have filled in the web proxy or submitted your form.

Step 2: Attend next ASU member meeting 5.30pm AEST Monday

On Monday 27 April at 5.30pm AEST we are holding an update meeting for Virgin Australia members to update you on the administration process, creditors meeting, and proxy forms.

You will need to register for the Zoom meeting here:

Step 3: Tell us what you think – complete this short survey

The views of ASU members will guide us every step of the way. We need to hear from you on some very important matters. Please take a couple of minutes to let us know if you agree that the ASU should support Deloitte to be the Administrator, and the issues that are most important to you in this process. Click here to fill in the survey.

For anyone who is not yet an ASU member – it is not too late to join. Sign up now to make sure you are supported throughout this process:

About ASU Proxy Emeline Gaske:

EmelineHi, I’m Emeline Gaske from the Australian Services Union. I am an experienced lawyer with more than 10 years’ experience, and have represented workers in many major court cases.

I lead the national negotiation team for the ASU in the last round of enterprise bargaining negotiations at Virgin Australia.

My priority is making sure employees have a voice in this process.

As individuals each employee is a small creditor, but as a group you can have a big impact in the future of Virgin Australia.

We need to keep Virgin flying, and make sure employee entitlements are protected.

As your proxy I will consult with you, make sure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions, and you will make the decisions every step of the way.

Please support each other by taking action:
Keep up the pressure on the Government to #SaveVirgin and #SaveAviation by sharing a video or photo of you talking about why Scott Morrison needs to step up and save Virgin Australia and the jobs of you and 16,000 other Australians.
Encourage other colleagues at Virgin Australia to join the ASU – it is not too late to join. Sign up online at

We know this is a difficult time, but your union is by your side throughout this process. We will continue our fight to keep Virgin flying.

(Download the proxy form here) icon Virgin Australia ASU Proxy Form

Contact Details
Name: National Office
Telephone: 03 9342 1400