Rights at Work
Growing inequality is not inevitable, the time to act is now
31 October 2014
Oxfam has just released a new report "Even it up: time to end extreme inequality". The report aligns very closely with PSI's analysis of inequality and we are happy to endorse it, because it sends a profound message about a social system where wealth increases massively but poverty and misery…
Senators pledge to reject Govt’s redundancy cuts
30 October 2014
Australian unions have enthusiastically welcomed today's commitment by the cross bench Senators to vote against the Abbott Government's unfair changes to the Fair Entitlements Guarantee. A delegation of workers who have recently been made redundant, accompanied by officials from the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) and the Textile Clothing and…
Unions push for the right to domestic violence leave
28 October 2014
Unions are pushing to give millions of Australian workers the right to access domestic violence leave. The ASU has been active and innovative on this front since 2010 when our Union won the first clause providing domestic violence leave in Australia. ACTU President Ged Kearney said paid domestic violence leave…
Unions fight employer grab for annual leave
16 October 2014
Australian Unions are fighting a push by employer groups that could see workers never taking annual leave. ACTU President Ged Kearney said around two million Australian workers could be impacted by the employers' push for a clause to be entered into awards allowing annual leave to be cashed out. Australian…
New push to give casual workers the right to permanent work
07 October 2014
Unions are pushing to give more than two million casual workers in Australia the right to become permanent employees. In making the announcement on World Day for Decent Work, ACTU President Ged Kearney said it was unfair that many casuals work regular shifts and rosters but miss out on important…
Australian-first research reveals 29% of Australia's 200 largest listed companies pay an effective corporate tax rate of 10% or less. The ground breaking report Who Pays for Our Common Wealth? Tax Practices of the ASX 200 examines taxes paid over the last decade by the top 200 companies on the…
The fight to protect our rights at work from the current assault via the Fair Work Amendment Bill continues. The vote in the Senate has been delayed which means we have more time to convince the cross bench Senators to support workers' rights. Two pieces of great news: Independent Senator…
Three Senate votes needed to save our rights at work – act now
11 September 2014
The Federal Government wants to change the Fair Work Act as part of its crusade to reduce working people's living standards by destroying your rights at work. We cannot let them win! The Senate vote on the Bill was delayed so we have a short time to act and make…
New Federal Govt policy will de-skill the Australian workforce
11 September 2014
The Federal Government's new industry policy panders to big business and strips away national recognition of skills for workers. Industry Minister Ian McFarlane outlined the policy in a speech at the National Vocational Education Training conference in Brisbane today. "The Minister talks about the value of a trade but then…
One year in and Abbott’s carefully crafted attack on rights at work is on track and only just warming up
07 September 2014
While the cruel and unfair changes to education, health and the pension have dominated Tony Abbott's first year in office, his Government's carefully crafted attack on workers rights has been gearing up in the background. "The Abbott Government has a clear agenda to chip away at workplace laws protecting workers'…