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Social & Community Services

The Fair Work Commission has agreed with ASU members that working practices in our sector are unfair and need changing. This is what we’ve won: A 2-hour minimum payment for part-time disability workers and a 3-hour minimum payment for part-time community sector workers. The right to refuse additional hours. The…
Make a submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry The Turnbull Government, before the recent election, set up a Productivity Commission Inquiry into how community services can be subject to increased “competition and contestability”. More detail on ASU members’ concerns with the proposals can be found here: Community services are not…
Community Sector & Disability Sector Workers – do you understand equal pay? The outcome of the Equal Pay Case from Fair Work Australia and implementation of the new SCHCADS (SACS Modern Award) from 1 July 2012 produced a changing industrial relations environment for disability and community services. The Australian Government…

Pay Up

01 November 2012
Pay Up - No More Lip Service to Equal Pay is a campaign of the Australian Services Union (ASU). The ASU is the union of Community Sector Workers. Community Sector workers are undervalued and underpaid and not properly respected. Their work has traditionally been seen as "women's work" and their…