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The results are in. The majority of ASU members who voted in the ASU member poll have supported the pause in bargaining until January 2021. This means it is the ASU’s position is to agree to pause bargaining until January 2021. Between then and now, you rights will be protected…
Early on the morning of 23 July 2020, the ASU filed an application in the Federal Court seeking declarations, back pay and penalties against Qantas for breach of the JobKeeper Minimum Payment Guarantee (S 789GDA of the Fair Work Act). The ASU is working with the TWU and FAAA, who…
Current as at 22 July 2020 On 21 July 2020 the Federal Government announced there will be changes to JobSeeker, the additional income support available for workers who lose their job, are stood down, on low incomes or are in casual and contract employment as a result of the economic…
Current as at 22 July 2020 As you may recall, earlier this year the ASU along with other Australian unions campaigned relentlessly for a wage subsidy for workers to ensure members jobs are protected through the global pandemic. In early April 2020 the Federal Government passed legislation and created the…
ASU delegates and officials met with Qantas airports management on 16th July 2020 to finalise the consultation about how the initial stage of the Expression of Interest (EOI) process will operate in airport customer service following the announcement of the Qantas Next 100 recovery plan by Alan Joyce on 26th…
On Friday 10th July 2020 your ASU reps and officials had our second meeting with Qantas airports management about the expression of interest process the company is proposing for ASU covered redundancies at Australian airports and lounges. Qantas management has given us a lot of information to understand, absorb and…
Last night we held one of the biggest ever online mass meetings of aviation workers in Australia, where hundreds of workers from all over the country, from all different airlines and aviation companies unanimously endorsed our campaign for AviationKeeper now. At the meeting, members voted to step up our campaign…
As previously reported we believe that Qantas has been stealing penalty rates by counting them against the wrong JobKeeper top-up. This means workers lose money when they work one pay period but don’t work the next. This week your ASU took the Qantas to the Fair Work Commission to test…
Following announcements made by Alan Joyce to the media about restructuring the group airlines, ASU delegates and organisers met with Jetstar management on 1 July 2020 to get an initial briefing about the impacts to management teams at airports, as well as JOCC and Operational Corporate Support and Commercial Corporate…
It’s time for ASU members at SQ to make a decision about the future of their EBA. Join the ASU Meeting at 5.00PM Eastern Time, on Monday, 13 July 2020 to have your say on management’s proposal to pause bargaining for 6 months. Click here to register. Your bargaining team…