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ASU members are rightly outraged by Qantas’ manipulation of the JobKeeper payment. They are using taxpayers’ money to deny penalty rates to hardworking and loyal workers. On your behalf, we wrote to Qantas last Sunday. On 23 April 2020 Qantas wrote to the ASU to confirm its position on payroll…
The Australian Services Union today called on the Federal Government to urgently intervene to save 16,000 Virgin Airlines jobs as the company went into voluntary administration today. Assistant National Secretary Linda White said it was not too late to save Virgin Airlines, but this was the Prime Minister’s last opportunity.…
You will have heard this morning that Virgin Australia has gone into voluntary administration. We know that you may be concerned about this announcement, but we want to assure you that your union is together with you throughout this process. It’s important to know that: You still have a job.…
On Friday last week, many Qantas employees who had been stood down were expecting their first $1,500 JobKeeper payment. Qantas had announced that, in order to assist staff, it would bring forward these payments even though they had yet to receive the payment from the government. However, many of you…
The schedule we have seen would be for the next 8 weeks from 20 April 2020, it has changed a lot and is not 100% locked in with government. We are able to give you an indication of stand up numbers and what the flying schedules are likely to mean…
Today the Australian Services Union co-hosted with the Transport Workers Union an online forum: Charting a future for Australian aviation to discuss the big picture and long-term policy needs for the aviation industry beyond the current COVID-19 crisis. We think it is critical that the future of the aviation industry…
When we updated you on JobKeeper payments and redundancies yesterday, we confirmed that Virgin Australia would be commencing JobKeeper payments from 30 March 2020 and re- crediting any annual leave or long service leave that team members have taken since 30 March 2020 as a result of being stood down.…
JobKeeper update for members For the last three weeks the ASU along with other Australian unions have been campaigning relentlessly for a wage subsidy for workers to ensure members jobs are protected through the global pandemic. The Federal Parliament has now passed legislation and created the JobKeeper wage stimulus package.This…
For the last three weeks the ASU along with other Australian unions has been campaigning relentlessly for a wage subsidy for workers to ensure members jobs are protected through the global pandemic. The JobKeeper Payment – a win by Unions for workers Thanks to the work of thousands of union…
The Australian Services Union today urged the Federal Government to provide certainty to social and community services NGOs, ensuring the JobKeeper payment is available, where parts of their organisation are affected. Assistant National Secretary of the union Linda White said many community services organisations were faced with a situation where…