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Alternative Offers of Work On 2 April 2020, many employees received an offer to work for the Helloworld as a call centre representative. For many employees the offer of work will be very welcome, but there are risks when you sign a new contract of employment. Employees have been asked…
On 2 April 2020, your ASU was in the Fair Work Commission arguing our case for stood down workers to be paid sick and carers leave. Qantas was represented by a top end of town law firm and a Queens Counsel which would have cost the company a lot of…
On 2 April 2020, your ASU bargaining representatives met with Singapore Airlines management to bargain for a new enterprise agreement. Management explained its proposed log of claims. They are now seeking: A pay freeze in 2020; 2.8% pay increase in 2021, and a 2.3% pay increase in 2022; Management have…
Today the ASU has met with team members from Workplace Relations to continue talks about the Voluntary Redundancy Expression Of Interest (the ‘VR EOI’) process under way with Guest Services ground crew. Clarity around timeframes and process The Company has confirmed further details, as follows: EOIs must be submitted by…
Huge union win! For the last three weeks the ASU along with other Australian unions have been campaigning relentlessly for a wage subsidy for workers to ensure members jobs are protected through the global pandemic. Three weeks ago Prime Minister Morrison refused to even consider a wage subsidy. But our…
Today the Flight Centre Travel Group has notified staff by letter that they will progressively stand down many many people. This decision is subject to feedback from staff and may change should responses to the COVID-19 outbreak continue to escalate. In conversations with the ASU, HR Manager for the Group…
The Australian Services Union has come to an agreement with the Federal Government and employers to temporarily vary the Clerks – Private Sector Award to accommodate changes to work patterns with the COVID-19 crisis. The Award covers around 1 million Australian workers around 65% of whom are women. The jobs…
The Virgin Australia Group announced Stand Downs yesterday for many other parts of the business. They have also announced that the International network is not going to continue flying the current schedule after we are through the COVID-19 outbreak. This means that some redundancies have also been announced. After consultation…
ASU members have contacted us about Emirates’ proposal for Stand Downs for the period 1 April to 30 June 2020. Since our last Bulletin circulated on 26 March 2020, the ASU and ALAEA had been seeking a meeting with Emirates to discuss their contingency plans for staff as the COVID-19…
Virgin Australia is issuing Stand Down notices TODAY for all employees covered by the Virgin Australia Ground Crew Agreement 2018 (‘the EBA’). They have also commenced an Expression Of Interest (‘an EOI) process for opting into allocations for remaining work to run the reduced flight schedule, as well as voluntary…