Overseas Airlines
Emirates thinks you're paid too much!
07 November 2016
On Monday and Tuesday (24th & 25th October) the EBA bargaining team held further negotiations with company representatives. Unfortunately it has become apparent over the preceding weeks that Emirates wants to freeze the wage rates that it pays, give many employees no wage increase at all for the next 3…
Bargaining begins for Emirates Enterprise Agreement 2017
20 September 2016
Your ASU Bargaining Representatives commenced bargaining with Emirates management on Wednesday 14th September 2016 for the Emirates Enterprise Agreement 2017. This initial bargaining meeting was to bring the bargaining representatives together, program future meetings and for the representatives to scope out their claims for the Emirates Enterprise Agreement 2017. Issues…
ASU Thai Airways Enterprise Agreement
15 July 2016
2016 Enterprise agreement bargaining will commence soon Your Agreement expired 30 June and Thai Airways have indicated an intention to commence bargaining. If you are not a member of the ASU then your views may not be represented in bargaining. Help us prepare the ASU claim Your views are welcome…
Staff at Thai Airways now have the opportunity to negotiate a new EBA for 2016 Your Agreement has now expired and Thai Airways have indicated an intention to commence bargaining. The ASU is default bargaining representative for members and we are interested in knowing what you want for your new…
The ASU has been advised that all Malaysian Airline System Berhad employees will be transferred to the new company Malaysia Airlines Berhad on 1 September 2015. The company says that everyone's terms and conditions of employment will stay the same, however it is very important that you do not sign…
Malaysia Airlines Systems (MAS) still cannot answer how MAS will operate in Australian when it mutates into Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) in just over two weeks' time. The ASU continues to pursue Malaysia Airlines for answers on its structure post 1 September 2015 and so the ASU has re-activated our…
Emirates EBA still not right - VOTE NO
12 September 2014
Emirates employees will now have the Enterprise Agreement for voting on from the 12th to 18th September 2014. The ASU/ALAEA understands that while the voting process has not gone as smoothly as it should have it is of the utmost importance that the proposed enterprise agreement is scrutinised, and the…
Vote NO to guarantee pay rises for all employees at Emirates
05 September 2014
The proposed Emirates Enterprise Agreement will render the merit increment a payment at the absolute discretion of Emirates. Clauses 15.8, 15.9 and 15.10 of your current 2011 EBA says: Therefore, depending upon individual performance, individual staff shall receive a merit increment between 0.0% and 6.0% on top of the fixed…
ASU/ALAEA advice to Emirates members: Vote NO
29 August 2014
During the EBA negotiations that were held yesterday (Wednesday 28 August) mediated by the Fair Work Commission Emirates said that the EBA that was previously overwhelmingly rejected by employees would again be issued for voting on, from Friday 5 September till Thursday 11 September. The ASU/ALAEA again advise members to…
Progress made at the FWC with Emirates
20 August 2014
The ASU/ALAEA, delegates and officials along with only 4 employee bargaining representatives and Emirates management attended the Fair Work Commission (FWC) on Thursday 14 August. The ASU/ALAEA had asked the FWC to assist the parties in finalizing a fair and equitable Enterprise Agreement for the next three years. How the…
Emirates EBA negotiations go to the FWC
07 August 2014
ASU and ALAEA members at Emirates have told us that the proposed Agreement that was rejected by almost 75% of employees has to be improved and that the Fair Work Commission (FWC) should be asked to assist in getting a good EBA for employees. As a result the ASU/ALAEA will…
Emirates EBA negotiations resume
25 July 2014
The ASU/ALAEA and bargaining representatives met with Emirates management on Wednesday 23rd July and Thursday 24th July for EBA negotiations. This was the first meeting since Emirates employees had comprehensively rejected the Emirates proposed EBA with a 74.25% NO vote. What do the ASU/ALAEA want? The ASU/ALAEA want to get…
Emirates Airlines 2013 EBA rejected
18 June 2014
The Emirates EBA vote has been counted with 25.75% of the employees who voted voting YES and 74.25% of employees voting NO. 79% of staff who were eligible to vote cast a vote so this is an overwhelming result. The Agreement proposed by Emirates has been rejected and the ASU/ALAEA…
NO to Emirates EBA 2014
06 June 2014
On Monday 9th June voting commences on EBA 2014. This is your only chance to vote NO to the Emirates proposed EBA that, if approved, will set your wages and other conditions until the beginning of 2017. [Download the full bulletin below] Emirates Bulletin, 6 June 2014