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The global supply chains of 50 companies employ only 6% of people in a direct employment relationship, yet rely on a hidden workforce of 94% according to new research from the International Trade Union Confederation. Click here to read this on the ITUC website "Just 50 companies including Samsung, McDonalds…
Research released this week showing low paid workers being affected by massive cuts to their take home Paid Parental Leave (PPL) has rightly angered many. The Coalition has treated this policy area disgracefully for years and this latest research has prompted us to revisit the rollercoaster ride we've been on…
Will Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull reject the Productivity Commission's anti-worker recommendations or pull the trigger on this loaded gun? Merely a few days out from Christmas, with many already on holidays, the Productivity Commission has issued its final report into Australian workplaces. The report recommends, amongst other infringements on current…
The ASU recently lodged a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the economic security of women in retirement. Our findings, following a major survey of our members and supporters, leave no doubt that major policy changes are required to prevent large numbers of women and their families from experiencing the…
Public Services International joins the call made by the United Nations to break the corruption chain. Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries. Corruption undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability. Click here to read this on the PSI website…
Unions welcome the Government's acknowledgement that Australia needs to focus on strategic investment in education, innovation and technologies as drivers of economic growth, following yesterday's innovation announcement. Australia must take the high-road and support quality, high skilled jobs and industries and not the low-road of cuts to jobs, wages and…
In 2014 the ASU National Conference debated a number of issues around the misuse of 457 Visas and difficulties faced by 457 Visa holders in Australia. The ASU view was to monitor the use of 457 Visas in our areas of coverage and seek to increase scrutiny by authorities. Our…
Governments at the Paris climate summit are putting the future of climate action at risk by removing a commitment to human rights and "Just Transition" to a low carbon future from the mandate for action in the Summit's conclusions. ASU supporters with Twitter acounts are asked to lobby the Australian…
The ACTU and ASU welcome the establishment of a review of not for profit superannuation governance. We are especially pleased that the review will be conducted by former RBA Governor, Bernie Fraser who is the public face of industry super in Australia and brings a deep understanding of the sector…
Business groups and civil society representing more than half a million people and a thousand businesses have backed the international trade union call for dialogue between workers, business, governments that will ensure a just transition to a zero carbon future. Click here to read this on the ITUC website The…