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The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement was finalised in November 2014 but the text was only released on 17 June 2015. It appears that the Australian Government made huge concessions on temporary labour and investor rights in its desperation to complete the deal. Click here to read this on the AFTINET…
The wages of Australia's lowest paid workers will increase by $16 per week from 1 July as the annual wage review decision affecting 1.8 million award dependent workers comes into effect. This is the only chance for a pay rise for low paid workers and follows the Fair Work Commission's…
The Abbott Government's proposed changes to Australia's world leading not for profit superannuation system are nothing more than an ideologically driven attack on workers.Not-for-profit industry super funds have lower fees and have outperformed the for-profit retail funds owned by the big banks over any time period comparison. As Industry Super…
New parents will be forced back to work shortly after the birth of their child thanks to the Abbott Government's cuts to Paid Parental Leave (PPL) introduced into the Parliament today. The Abbott Government's $1 billion cut to PPL will leave as many as 80,000 parents a year worse off…
The Australian Education Union are encouraging all teachers, students, unionists, TAFE graduates and community members to get involved in celebrating National TAFE Day. 24 June 2015 will be a day to celebrate the achievements of TAFE, & remind politicians and the broader community that TAFE is too good to lose.…
If high unemployment wasn’t bad enough Tony Abbott has just signed the China FTA, a trade agreement negotiated in secret that will see local workers abandoned - locked out of good jobs. Please email your MP today to tell them that you do not support the China FTA and that…
Unions are deeply concerned the China Free Trade Agreement, expected to be announced today, will undermine local jobs and increase unemployment. The Abbott Government has been deliberately vague on the details about labour mobility and labour market testing clauses within the agreement. However, the government's own fact sheet released after…
A Senate committee has recommended passing legislation which will leave nearly 400,000 workers covered under Comcare, the national workers' compensation scheme, with inadequate cover if they are injured or ill at work. Unions are disappointed the Senate committee examining the Abbott Government's Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Comcare) Bill has recommended…
The ASU has lodged a submission with the Federal Government inquiry into federal taxation, including what Australians and businesses pay, as well as how the tax is shared around to benefit Australian citizens. This is an important area for the ASU to speak up for members and the community on…
Australia’s 1.86 million lowest paid workers will receive a $16 increase to their weekly pay packets following the Fair Work Commission’s decision in the annual wage case today. This increase is not enough to close the growing gap between average and minimum wages that is putting enormous pressure on our…