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ASU officials are urgently seeking information from Australian airlines regarding their response to the Coronavirus outbreak and the precautions being put in place for ground operations staff with direct passenger contact. ASU officials and Qantas some airport delegates attending an Airports Workforce Planning meeting met with Qantas on Thursday 30…
The Australian Services Union (ASU) has been in contact with Max Solutions management to commence negotiations for a new EBA at Max Solutions. The current agreements that apply to the Max Solutions employees across Australia are the: Max Solutions Employment and Training Enterprise Agreement and the Max Solutions Health Enterprise…
At 2 meetings in December and January, the bargaining committee agreed that Emirates and staff were a long way apart on many issues and discussions have not significantly improved Emirates’ remuneration package. So now it’s time for staff to make their views clear to the Company. The ASU, ALAEA and…
In our last Newsletter to you on the 15 January we informed you that we had written to the company regarding our concern with the office closures and redundancies, and that we were seeking a briefing and meeting with Auscript so to be informed of the details concerning the office…
In December 2020, the Fair Work Commission (‘Commission’) found that Swissport’s Aerocare Collective Agreement 2018 (‘Swissport Agreement’) did not meet the minimum legal standards for wages and conditions in the Airlines Award. They invited Swissport to update the pay and conditions of the Swissport Agreement so that they met the…
The ASU was informed by members on the afternoon of the 15 January 2020 of Auscript’s intent to close the Sydney, Hobart and Adelaide offices and of the resulting job losses. We understand that members were given extremely short notice of these critical workplace changes while the Union was not…
ASU delegates at Virgin Australia met with management on 4 December 2019 to discuss opportunities for negotiating a new enterprise agreement before the current agreement expires on 30 June 2020. When delegates and organisers met in Brisbane earlier in December, they reported back on how team members were feeling about…
In a Decision on 20 December 2019, the Fair Work Commission found that employees covered the Swissports Aerocare Collective Agreement 2018 (‘2018 Agreement’) would not be ‘better off overall’ compared to the Airlines Award. The Airlines Award is the absolute legal minimum for people working in the Airlines Industry. There’s…
For a period of 30 days over the Christmas and New Year period, members of the Australian Federation of Airline Pilots (AFAP) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) will be taking various forms of protected industrial action at Jetstar. The industrial action may be in various forms, including: stopping work…
ASU members at Jetstar have contacted the Union about the outcome of the Australian Federation of Airline Pilots (AFAP) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) ballots to take industrial action over the Christmas period. For a few months, the AFAP and TWU have been pursuing a new agreement (EBA) with…