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On 7 April 2020, the ASU met with Helloworld Group management to discuss the temporary work offer. Following the meeting, we wrote to them to explain the ASU’s position in detail. There are very serious problems with the contracts. They do not protect your accrued entitlements or your normal job.…
JobKeeper update for members For the last three weeks the ASU along with other Australian unions have been campaigning relentlessly for a wage subsidy for workers to ensure members jobs are protected through the global pandemic. The Federal Parliament has now passed legislation and created the JobKeeper wage stimulus package.This…
NDIS Unions are working together to support the disability sector workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic We understand the issues faced by the disability sector workforce during this difficult time. The Australian Services Union, along with the Health Services Union, United Workers Union and National Disability Services, are working on a…
We all know that we are in an unprecedented, difficult time. But it is not the time for any local government worker to be stood down or let go. Local government workers form an essential part of community support and deliver a wide range of essential services. You are at…
For the last three weeks the ASU along with other Australian unions has been campaigning relentlessly for a wage subsidy for workers to ensure members jobs are protected through the global pandemic. The JobKeeper Payment – a win by Unions for workers Thanks to the work of thousands of union…
The Australian Services Union today urged the Federal Government to provide certainty to social and community services NGOs, ensuring the JobKeeper payment is available, where parts of their organisation are affected. Assistant National Secretary of the union Linda White said many community services organisations were faced with a situation where…
Local government workers have written to the Prime Minister through their union – the Australian Services Union – to ask for urgent assistance to stem the loss of Council jobs after the Federal Government said Councils would not qualify for the JobKeeper payments. The union’s National Secretary Robert Potter said…
Alternative Offers of Work On 2 April 2020, many employees received an offer to work for the Helloworld as a call centre representative. For many employees the offer of work will be very welcome, but there are risks when you sign a new contract of employment. Employees have been asked…
On 2 April 2020, your ASU was in the Fair Work Commission arguing our case for stood down workers to be paid sick and carers leave. Qantas was represented by a top end of town law firm and a Queens Counsel which would have cost the company a lot of…
On 2 April 2020, your ASU bargaining representatives met with Singapore Airlines management to bargain for a new enterprise agreement. Management explained its proposed log of claims. They are now seeking: A pay freeze in 2020; 2.8% pay increase in 2021, and a 2.3% pay increase in 2022; Management have…