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Since launching our survey last week, many ASU members have told us about a countless numbers of serious pay issues that have occurred since the start of the JobKeeper scheme. We also wrote to Jetstar management telling them what you are experiencing. Many of you have raised questions and concerns…
The ASU has become aware that dnata catering are not eligible for the JobKeeper payment of $1500 per fortnight. This appears to affect the entire dnata group, including customer service, cargo and ramp employees. Why has this happened? On Friday, Scott Morrison’s Federal Government altered the eligibility rules for JobKeeper,…
A report by the UNSW Sydney released today shares the initial experiences of the disability workforce during the COVID-19 outbreak. Commissioned by Health Services Union (HSU), United Workers Union (UWU) and Australian Services Union (ASU), the report surveyed more than 2,300 disability workers and shows how COVID-19 has massively increased…
Disability workers have a challenging job at the best of times, but it’s twice has hard during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Disability workers are supporting their clients during self-isolation. This means new responsibilities (such as enhanced hygiene procedures) that aren’t reflected in your current pay. The ASU has made a joint…
ASU members want Qantas to pay them the right amount and on time. How hard can it be? But many ASU members have had serious problems with payroll since the start of the JobKeeper scheme. This is a short list of all the issues, there are many more: The pay…
ASU members want Jetstar to pay them the right amount and on time. How hard can it be? But many ASU members have had serious pay issues since the start of the JobKeeper scheme. ASU Organisers met with the Jetstar management team last Friday. We made it clear to Daniel…
JobKeeper pays coming! In good news for ASU members at Menzies Aviation, the company has told us they will process JobKeeper pays on Wednesday 29 April. This will include: Back-pay for 30 March to 12 April. Leave taken during this period will not be recredited. If you earnt less than…
The National Consultative Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, 6 May 2020. The NCC is a forum for ASU delegates to meet with national representatives from the company, and raise concerns or ask questions. We’ll be asking the company about the stand downs, JobKeeper pay and the future of…
The ASU wrote to Swissport on 24 April 2020 demanding more information about the company’s threat to make 80% of its workforce redundant. Read our letter hear. Swissport’s shameful threats come in the same week that other ground-handlers were registering for the JobKeeper Scheme. This would pay the company $1500…
Member Update By now, you should have received information about the first Virgin Australia creditors meeting from Deloitte, to your work email address. There are some important next steps in this process: Step 1: Proxy Forms We are asking that ASU members proxy to an ASU representative, Emeline Gaske, at…