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Since Virgin publicly announced significant job losses on 5 August your ASU representatives have been involved in extensive negotiations where we have tried to make the restructure process as fair and transparent as possible for Guest Services employees. We are holding a meeting for ASU members to go through your…
Qantas management’s decision to bank a $124 million profit instead of paying workers for money owed to them shows even in a pandemic, people come second to profit at Australia’s biggest airline. Qantas has refused to pay approximately 6000 workers between $1500 (part-time workers) and $2000 (full-time workers) owed to…
The ASU met with Qantas management for our second meeting to continue consultation about the expressions of interest and redundancies affecting airport and lounge staff on Monday, 17 August 2020. Management provided us with an update on the results of the EOIs for each port.  The results differ between different…
Introduction On the 12 August, Michael Rizzo from the ASU National Office in Melbourne, received a call from management informing him that because of the Covid-19 Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne technicians had less work to do and Canon wanted to move to a partial stand down from the 17…
The aviation industry is being hit by a second wave, and we are already experiencing the aftershocks with thousands of job losses throughout the industry. The ITF is urgently calling for a new deal for aviation workers based on relief, recovery and reform.At the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic we…
The ASU has won its appeal against the Fair Work Commission (FWC) decision to approve Swissport’s sub-standard Aerocare Collective Agreement 2018 (‘Swissport Agreement’). On 11 August 2020, a Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission found that the original FWC commissioner hadn’t properly assessed the Swissport Agreement to make sure…
On 22 July the ASU provided a bulletin to members regarding changes to JobKeeper in terms of new payment rules for workers and eligibility rules for both workers and employers. On Friday 7th August 2020 the Government updated these new changes to ensure more Australians can stay in jobs and…
As mentioned in previous newsletters, formal negotiations for a new EBA commence on September the 3rd. In the lead up to this date the ASU needs to develop a log of Claims to serve on the employer. A Log is simply a list of union demands to improve employee pay…
The Australian Services Union today said its members were devastated at the decision to cut thousands of jobs at Virgin and its sister airline Tigerair. The union’s Assistant National Secretary Linda White said it had worked with the ACTU and other unions for months to reduce the number of job…
The results are in. The majority of ASU members who voted in the ASU member poll have supported the pause in bargaining until January 2021. This means it is the ASU’s position is to agree to pause bargaining until January 2021. Between then and now, you rights will be protected…