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The Australian Services Union would like thank Linda White for her enormous contribution to the union and its members. Linda is one of the great servants of our union and her experience, skill and knowledge will remain a massive asset to the labour movement and other progressive causes in the…
Being elected to serve the members of the Australian Services Union was a very proud moment in my life and I have dedicated myself to their interests every day that I have worked here. In my time at the union, we have done some extraordinary things together. Some of these…
The Second Creditors Meeting was held this morning and creditors overwhelmingly voted to endorse the sale of Virgin Australia to new owner Bain Capital. This is a significant milestone for ASU members at Virgin as it means the company will continue to exist and continue to fly as we emerge…
On 1 September 2020 the ASU and Auscript participated in a second phone Conference before Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in the pay dispute. After hearing that a meeting between the parties on 20 August did not resolve the award minimum vs EA Bronze rate issue the Commissioner proposed the following attempt at…
Maurice Blackburn and the ASU are pleased to announce that we have reached an in principle agreement on the terms of a new Enterprise Agreement. The ASU will proceed to hold members' meetings later this week and the intention is to hold a formal employee ballot in around 3 weeks'…
Maurice Blackburn and the ASU are pleased to announce that we have reached an in principle agreement on the terms of a new Enterprise Agreement. The ASU will proceed to hold members meetings later this week and the intention is to hold a formal employee ballot in around 3 weeks'…
On 25 August 2020, Qantas Group made the shocking announcement that it intends to consider outsourcing Australian Airport ground operations performed by Qantas Airlines, QGS and Jetstar Services staff working in ramp, baggage handling and fleet presentation at 11 Australian Airports. This work is covered by the Transport Workers Union…
ASU delegates and organisers held our third consultation meeting with Qantas airports and Lounge management on Friday 21st August 2020 and we can now advise that offers to take redundancy will be made to a range of people who have expressed interest in volunteering to take a compulsory redundancy. On…
The ASU and Auscript are currently in dispute before the Fair Work Commission for the second time in 2020. This time it is in relation to pay rates: no CPI increases in 2020; and the Enterprise Agreement (EA) Bronze rate falling below the applicable Clerks - Private Sector award rate…
As a union member, your union along with all other members of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) have made an application to the Federal Court of Australia with the support of Virgin Administrators and the management team to make sure all of our members will be represented at…